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The Journal of John Long

Preface  1872-1889  1890  1895  1896  1897 
1898  1899 
1900  1901  1902  1903  1904  1905  1906  1907 
1908  1909  1910  1911  1912  1913 
1914  1915  1916  1917 
1918  1919  1920  1921 
1922  1923  1924  1925  1926 

1897-1898 "Revival Years" Revised Version 

About John Long
Finding John Long's Journal
Significance of John Long's Journal
Treatises and Writings by John Long
Inspirational Poetry by John Long
Photos of the John Long Family

Finding John Long's Journal

Revised May 30, 2019

John Long’s Journal is the most significant primary source to be discovered as of this date to support the fact that the 2x2s were started in Ireland around 1897. It was known for years that John Long’s Journal existed. But where was it? John Long was a 2x2 worker from 1899-1907.

Dr. Patricia Roberts made reference to a “shortened version of Journal” several times in her book The Life & Ministry of Edward Cooney 1867-1960. Unfortunately, Dr. Roberts had misplaced her copy. Doug Parker knew of or had a copy of Long’s Journal when his book, The Secret Sect, was printed. Dr. Cornelius J. Jaenen did not mention Long’s Journal in his book. For years, the location of the family of John Long remained unknown.

Following is an account of how this very important document was finally located in Ireland in 2002. Unexpectedly, Paul Abenroth from Washington USA became aware of the existence of John Long’s Journal in August of 1999. While visiting the Faith Mission headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland, Mr. John Matthews, the Faith Mission administrator, told Paul about the following occurrence.

One semester Mr. Matthews was teaching a customary series of classes about cults and exclusive movements such as the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons, which included the movement started by a former Faith Missioner, William Irvine and John Long. See: Faith Mission has a Fact Sheet about the sect started by Wm. Irvine.

During this class, a young lady named Ruth Long exclaimed, "John Long was my Grandfather!"

Paul Abenroth conveyed this information to Robert Kee of Northern Ireland and he contacted John Matthews who provided the telephone number for John Long (son of the author of the Journal). For a time, John Mathews was hoping Faith Mission would publish Long’s Journal; however, that did not work out. Robert Kee spoke to John Long over the telephone and he appeared quite receptive to the idea of having his father’s journal published elsewhere.

Bobby Dukelow, a retired Faith Missioner, arranged for Robert Kee to visit John Long and to photocopy his father’s Journal. Mr. Long did not want the Journal to leave his home, so on February 20, 2002, Robert took the necessary equipment and scanned the Journal over 2-3 separate visits. The Journal covers the years 1872 through 1956 when his mother died. Each Journal is actually a set of several books, each set containing approximately 8 to 10.  Scanned copies were made of the years through 1927, and these have been typed and are posted on the internet.. Go to John Long's Journal on TTT.

It was John Long who obtained the meeting place for Wm. Irvine to hold a mission which John Long viewed as the start of the Go-Preacher movement (aka 2x2 sect). John wrote: "In 1895, he [Wm. Irvine]...was sent by J. G. Govan to Northern Ireland to Evangelize; and from north to Co. Clare, in the south of Ireland. While conducting a mission in Kilrush, I met him and directed him to Nenagh, where a revival began in August, 1897, which afterwards formed into the Go-Preacher Testimony." (August 1897 – John Long’s Journal)

On the last page of his original Journal, Mr. Long mentions that he intends to write a second “book,” (Journal) and he did so. The other Journal was handwritten and almost identical to the first. The copying process must have been unbelievably tedious and have taken an enormous time. His son whom we visited had inherited the two Journals and both of them are in his possession.

The original Journal was given to a Mr. Walker and remained in that family for years. Cherie Kropp was contacted by a grandson of Mr. Walker who had seen and read some of the Journal in earlier years while it was kept at his grandfather’s home. Unfortunately, the homestead has been sold, possessions disbursed and the current location of the Journal is not known to him.

Robert Kee sent copies of the handwritten Journal pages for the years 1872 through 1927 to Cherie and another volunteer for typing. The Journal was typed in early March, 2002. By May 15, Robert Kee had scanned the original Journal pages to high quality jpeg image files (200 dpi) and made them available on a CD. The total file size was 73.5MB. Many copies were distributed to interested parties. Although Long's Journal continues through 1956, the year Long's mother passed away, Kee did not scan this portion as he found found no references to the 2x2 Sect beyond 1927.

Robert discussed the subject of posting Long’s Journal on the internet, and Mr. Long enthusiastically agreed to allow it to be placed on Cherie's website Telling The Truth. Permission to publish the Journal was given on April 23, 2002 in the presence of Robert Kee and Bobby Dukelow, representing Faith Mission. Subsequently, Cherie posted the Journal on TTT.

In 2004, Robert Kee kindly arranged for Cherie Kropp and her husband to visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Long and chauffeured them to the Long’s home in Ireland. (LINK to photos) Mr. Long allowed them to handle both Journal copies and gave his permission in writing for Cherie Kropp to publish the Journal on July 28, 2004.

Go To:   Part 1 - Preface - 1897

Significance of John Long's Journal


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Galatians 4:16

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