Workers, Friends, Home Church, The Truth, The Way, Meetings, Gospel, Cooneyites, Christian Conventions, Hymns Old & New
List of Married Workers
Revised October 15, 2024

The Apostle Paul wrote: Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?
(1 Corinthians 9:5 KJV)

NOTE: Martin & Betty Medica entered the work in 1962 and were the last married couple allowed to enter the work.
Betty Medica died March 12, 2012, and Martin on June 3, 2019, aged 95.
The last remaining married couple before Medicas was Eva Scott and Sandy Scott;
Eva passed away October 11, 2010 in Iowa.  
There are no more married worker couples in the world.

American Married Worker Pairs
Canadian Married Worker Pairs
Australian Married Worker Pairs
Other Countries--Married Worker Pairs

Jack Carroll - Statement Re: Workers Marrying
When were the workers no longer allowed to marry?
Rittenhouse and Sweetland Letter re changes by J. T. Carroll in married worker policy

TTT Editor's Note:  The following list has been compiled from many sources, both written and verbal, and most listings were verified by more than one source. The Compiler does not claim this list to be all-inclusive or absolutely accurate, but it has been compiled to the best of her ability and knowledge. Will gladly modify or add pertinent information.  To provide additional facts, E-mail TTT.

It would be interesting to know how many of the married workers
(1)  came into the work already married.
(2)  were a brother worker and a sister worker, who married.

From what the Compiler can piece together, there does not seem to have been a universal worldwide custom in place regarding workers marrying.  It seems to have depended on the Overseer of the country.  Some couples who were already married offered for the work, and were accepted.  It has been said that some workers "had to marry" in order to get into certain countries to take the gospel there.  This is the explanation sometimes given for Sandy and Eva Scott; and John and Annie Micheletos.  

It is interesting that it was the practice of the Faith Mission that a worker had to leave the Faith Mission if he/she became engaged or married.  They did have married Superintendents, however, which were Overseers of workers, who stayed in one place for several years. 

If and when two workers married, or wanted to marry, it appeared to be up to their Regional Overseer to decide whether or not they could remain in the work.  There was no universal set policy.  Jack Carroll allowed his cousin, Dave Christie, who married sister worker Emily Wilson, to remain in the work, and they pioneered Hawaii. View their photo at 1921 Saginaw Oregon USA Convention.

On the 1922-23 North American Workers List there were 6 married couples ( Klevens, McIlwraths, Dunshees, Doaks, DeGroots, Richters). Two years later on the 1925 List there were 9 married couples (Walkers, Gards and Christies were added)  Two years later, the 1926 North American Workers List shows 12 married couples (Grahams, Byes and Browns were added).

In the 1952, when Chester Sweetland and Clara DenHerder married and wanted to remain in the work, Jack Carroll refused to allow them to do so.  Robert Graham married sister worker Maude Pryor and they had 5 children.  Wm. Irvine required Ralph and Rene Beattie to leave their son behind, in order to go in the work.   Erne Punke married Finney while they were both workers, as did George and Ella Johnson and Joe and Grace Brown. Reportedly, while Wm. Irvine was in leadership, he decreed that any children of married workers must be left behind.  After he was no longer the leader, some took their children with them (Beatties, Carrolls).  

In 1962, Martin & Betty Medica were the last couple to actually start in the work and were also the last living married couple to die in the work. Betty passsed away March 12, 2012, and Martin on June 3, 2019, aged 95. They labored in the Caribbean.  By 1960-70, nearly all the early married workers had "retired," and married workers going about preaching was phased out.  If the current worker shortage continues, perhaps the group will go back to having married workers again. 

At a workers' convention at Knoxville, Tennessee in 1992, there was a gathering of 176 workers from all over the Southeastern USA and visitors from different parts of the country and overseas as well. In this meeting, Taylor Wood, the Eastern USA Overseer, clarified what was expected of workers regarding marriage. He said that workers may not marry and remain in the work. If they wanted to marry, they would have to leave the work to do so.

List of all known Married Worker Couples, in alphabetical order:

* = Unknown whether married before or after entering the work
  1. Batstone, Verdun & Anna (nee Bryant)
  2. Beattie, Ralph & Rene (nee Amy Constance Irene Lester) Tasmania, Australia
  3. Betty, Tom & Elizabeth (Lily) (nee Pendreigh)
  4. Brown, Joe & Grace (nee Prideaux)  USA - Hawaii and Oregon
  5. * Butler , Arthur & Emma
  6. *Bye, Lars & Olga (nee Wold) were Norwegian
  7. *Carelse, Andrew & Ann (nee____________), South Africa
  8. Carroll, William (Bill) & Margaret/Maggie (nee Hastings) Ireland, Australia
  9. Christie, David (Dave) & Emily (nee Wilson ) Hawaii
  10. *Cunningham, Bob & Elizabeth (Bella) (nee Fleming) England. Daughter Louise 
  11. Dalrymple, Robert & Ruth (nee Brost)
  12. deGroot, Albert J. & Emma M. (nee Besk)
  13. Dennison, Tom & Shirley ( nee Jesiek) Tennessee, Georgia 1971-72
  14. Dickson, Nathaneal (Nat) & Annie (nee Metcalf) Ireland
  15. Doak, Hugh & Dessie (nee Dick)
  16. Downie, Frank & Elsie (nee Ingram) Scotland?
  17. Dunshee, Willard Amos & Ethel E. (nee McVicker)
  18. Elliott, Tom & Ellen (nee Stinson)
  19. Gard, Edward (Ed) & Caroline (Carrie) (nee Palmer)
  20. Graham, Robert & Maude (nee Pryor)
  21. *Guy, Bob & Elizabeth (nee Jones; Sam Jones' sister).
  22. Harris, Vernandez & Edith (nee unknown)  Jamaica
  23. Hartmann, Otto & Manny (nee Schneider )  Germany
  24. Heselwood, Arther (Arthur) & Elizabeth/Lily, Lizzie (nee Ripley)
  25. Johnson, George & Ella (nee Powers)
  26. Kilpatrick, Tom & Martha (nee___) South Africa. Daughter Elna
  27. Kleven, Joseph (Joe) & Minnie ( nee Propp)
  28. MacLeod, Murdo & Dollie (nee MacLean) Ontario
  29. Magowan, Alfred & Sarah Kerr (nee Dawson) Ireland, USA
  30. *McClung, Walter & Christina (Chrissie) (nee McLennan)
  31. McClung, Wilson & Anne (Annie) (nee Kerr) Ireland, Australia, New Zealand
  32. McIlwrath, William (Willie) & Mildred (Minnie) Olive (nee Spillett)
  33. Medica, Martin & Catherine Elizabeth (Betty) (nee ___ )  Caribbean
  34. Micheletos, John & Anna (Annie) (nee McBride)
  35. *Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Gus (nee__________) Australia
  36. *Pitts, Jim & Mary
  37. Plaatjies, James & Gertie (nee_______) Africa
  38. Punke, Ernst & Finny (nee_______) Germany, Australia, Austria
  39. Quick, Frank & Hilda (nee Vogt from Australia ) Australia, New Zealand
  40. *Richter, Charles (Charlie) & Belle (nee Weydt) USA. Daughter Grace
  41. *Robinson, Les & Evelyn (nee___________)  Australia
  42. Scott, Alexander ( Sandy ) & Eva (nee Idso; Iowa )
  43. Scott, Joseph (Joe) & Mary Ann (Millie) (nee____)
  44. Smith, John Robert (aka Bob or Juan/João in Brazil ) & Martha (nee Hogg)
  45. *Steward, Andy & Mrs. _______  Virginia USA
  46. *Thompson, Thomas & Annie (nee Swift) Pennsylvania USA
  47. Walker, George & Margaret "Maggie" (nee Dane of Enniskillen, Ireland)
  48. Wilson, Matt & Leticia (nee Armstrong)
  49. Winegard, Ellsworth (1897-1959) & Caroline (nee Bedette) (1898-1978)

Married Workers Listed on the 1905 Workers' List:

Betty, Thomas (Tom) Andrew & Elizabeth (Lily) (nee Pendreigh from Scotland; formerly a worker with Faith Mission; left in 1898)
Tom was born Sept. 10, 1862 in Northern Ireland; died June 28, 1939 and is buried in Arbory, Isle of Man.
Lilly was born Oct. 13, 1870 in Scotland; died Sept. 1, 1952 in Ontario.
Tom was "farming in Belnaleck when he heard the gospel."
He joined the Enniskillen, Ireland, Grand Lodge of Freemasons Lodge No. 891 on Nov. 2, 1894.
On 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 73, 101.
Tom entered the work in 1905; labored 1905-1939 in Ireland, England, isle of Man, Wales and Ontario.
Married Sept. 9, 1899; Had 3 sons: Moore, John and Ernest
View Photo of Tom & Elizabeth Betty

Carroll, William (Bill) Charles & Margaret (Maggie) Elisabeth (nee Hastings) Ireland; Australia
Bill was born Aug. 15, 1876, in Newtown, Moynalty, Kells, Co. Meath, Ireland; died Nov. 1953, in Victoria, Australia.
Maggie was born April 20, 1875, in Co. Meath, Ireland; died April 1942, in Victoria, Australia.
1903 entered work.  Labored in England, Ireland, and Victoria, Australia. Bill Carroll was the Overseer of Victoria 1913-1953.
On 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 91, 142.
No. 201 is their daughter, May Carroll Schulz, born 1901, married Dolph Schulz, ex-worker and wrote Hymn Nos. 279, 258, 195, 315.

Elliott, Tom & Ellen (nee Stinson)
1902 entered work. On 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 16, 168.  Shown on 1912-13 England Workers List.  Photo on Page 27 of  The Life and Ministry of Edward Cooney 1867-1960 by Patricia Roberts.
Tom was born in 1862-died in 1930; Ellen was born in 1875-died April 16, 1966. Both passed away in England, per Patricia Roberts. they sided with Ed Cooney in 1928 Division. Left original group
View Photo of Tom & Ellen Elliott

McClung, Wilson & Anne (Annie) (nee Kerr) Ireland, Australia, New Zealand
From Dublin.  Professed through Wm. Irvine in Galway, Ireland in 1898.  Entered work in 1903. Left for Australia October 1908. He was overseer of the work in New Zealand from 1913 til he died in 1944. Had no children.
Shown on 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 92, 94
Wilson born c1868; died May 15, 1944 in Auckland, NZ; Annie born c1871; died Jan 29, 1945
August 31 1913 Testimony written by Annie McClung
"The chief Missioner is a bearded Irishman named M'Clung, who is assisted by his wife." (Impartial Reporter  June 21, 1906 p3)

Dickson,  Nathaneal (Nat) & Annie (nee Metcalf) Ireland.
While not shown on the 1905 list,
the Feb 16, 1905, Impartial Reporter tells the contents of a gospel meeting where Nat Dickson relates how he came to the decision to go into the work and he mentions his concern for his wife and son. Before he went in the work, he was a shopkeeper.
Shown on 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 136 and 34.
Deceased: Nat died in 1945; __________________
Downie, Frank & Elsie (nee Ingram) Scotland?
Frank is on the 1905 workers list as entering the work in 1905.
Daughter named Renee who spent her life in the work.

Listed on the 1921 Staffordshire Convention
Workers Photograph & List

View: 1921 Staffordshire Convention

Cunningham, Bob  #23 & Bella #122. Listed on the 1912-13 England Workers List.

Heselwood, Arther (Arthur) #54 & Elizabeth/Lily, Lizzie (nee Ripley) #200; Daughter Lilla Heselwood shown as #199. 
Listed on the 1912-13 England Worker List. "Arthur Heselwood who wrote No. 166 was born in New York in 1872.  He heard the Truth in Lincolnshire, when he was a schoolmaster.  Soon after he and his wife went forth into the work, and he continued until a year or two before his death in 1953." (From "Review of Hymns" for 1951 Hymns Old and New) 

Dickson,  Nathaneal (Nat) #34 & Annie (nee Metcalf) #136, Ireland.
While not shown on the 1905 list, the Feb 16, 1905, Impartial Reporter tells the contents of a gospel meeting where Nat Dickson relates how he came to the decision to go into the work and he mentions his concern for his wife and son. Before he went in the work, he was a shopkeeper.
Deceased: Nat died in 1945; Annie in_________?

Other U.K. Married Worker Couples
on Workers Lists

Butler, Arthur & Emma (nee ?)
Arthur was born in 1872 in Rochester, Kent, England; died April 1945 in Exeter, Devon, England. Arthur and Wm. Batts share a tombstone.
Labored 1913-1945 in England, Scotland and Wales
Emma was born in 1879 in Rainham, Kent, England; died 1918 in Milton, Kent, England.
Labored 1913-1918 in England
Marriage date unknown, but was before going into the work.

Pitts, Jim & Mary

Guy, Robert & Elizabeth (on one version of 1905 Workers List shows them entering the work in 1902; also on shown on 1912-13 List)
Elizabeth was Brother Worker Sam Jones' sister. They were in the work several years in the UK; then went to Western Australia where they lived and died. Had a son. Uncertain if they were in the work in AU.

Scott, Joseph (Joe) and Mary Ann (Millie)
(nee________?) Joe was born March 27, 1872 or 1874 in Omagh, Co. Tyrone and Mollie was born in Kesh, Co. Fermanagh Ireland. The 1912-13 England Workers list shows them laboring in the Norfolk, England area. On the SS. Cymric that sailed on August 26, 1913, from Liverpool to Boston, both list their ages as 40.  Mollie was killed by a train on March 9, 1917 and is buried in Glenwood Cemetery at Binghampton NY.  Joe is buried with her.

American Married Worker Pairs

(in alphabetical order)

Brown, Joseph (Joe) & Kathryn Grace (nee Prideaux)
Joe was born Jan. 27, 1887 in Carnteel, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland; died March 3, 1978 in Oregon.
Labored 1906-1978 in British Isles, Quebec, Italy, New Brunswick, Ontario, Washington, Hawaii and Oregon.
Grace was born June 15, 1884 in Victoria, Australia; entered work in 1915; went to U.S. in 1919 to preach. Died March 9, 1976, in Oregon. Labored 1914-1976 in Victoria, Hawaii and Oregon.
Both were workers who married on June 7, 1926 in Bellingham, Washington.
They remained in the work until they were over ninety years old. Grace died in 1976 or 1996. Joe retired in Bend, Oregon, and died in 1978.

Christie, David (Dave) & Emma "Emily" F. (nee Wilson)
Dave was born May 31, 1884, in Rathmolyon, Ireland; died Sept 30, 1969, in Multnomah Co., Oregon.
Emily was born May 8, 1883, in Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland; died Feb. 10, 1975, in Multnomah Co., Oregon.
Dave entered work in 1905 per 1905 Workers List;  labored in Scotland, N. Ireland, Hawaii, California, Maryland, Michigan
They are on 1926-27 List in Hawaii; on 1946-1947 Workers List in Hawaii
View Photo of them at 1921 Washington, USA Convention
Married Nov. 27, 1923 in Port Angeles, Clallam Co. Washington. Two children: Betty and Dave.
Both were workers who married without permission.
Dave was a cousin of Jack Carroll, who made an announcement and statement concerning workers marrying at the 1923 Milltown Convention.
They pioneered the work in Hawaii.

Robert (Bob) & Isabella (Bella) Cunningham  (nee Fleming) 
Bob died in 1974; labored 1906-1952 in England, Wales, Western U.S. (CA & WA and maybe more).
Bell was born July 3, 1889; died July 1969, in Kansas City, Missouri; labored 1906-1952 in England, Wales, Western U.S. (CA & WA and maybe more)
Married March 20, 1906 in Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland (Bob was 22 and Isabella is 20)
Daughter:  Louise
Nos. 23 & 122 on 1921 Staffordshire Worker photo

Bob & Ruth Dalrymple (nee Brost)
Preached in Wyoming USA
Bob was in the work before they married.
Children: had one son when they entered the work.

deGroot, Al & Emma (nee ____________) Missouri/Arkansas/Iowa. 
1912 List - Al was in Iowa and Mrs. deGroot was in Missouri with female companion
1926-27 List in Missouri & Arkansas.
On 1947 Workers List. Shown on undated Nebraska Conv photo
Emma died in 1968; Al died in 1960.

Dennison, Thomas "Tom" Hugh & Shirley Ann (nee Jesiek)
Tom was born April 8, 1890 in Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Came to US in 1921
On 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention picture as #33
On July 9, 1923, in Cook Co., Illinois, Tom left the work and married school teacher, Shirley, born August 13, 1904 in Michigan.
They returned to work as a married couple. No Children.
On 1936 and 1947 Workers List in Tennessee; On 1971-71 and 1973-74 Georgia lists
Deceased: Tom on Dec. 6, 1976, aged 86; Shirley on July 5, 1982, aged 77
Both buried in Yonah Memorial Gardens, Demorest, Habersham Co., Georgia.

See Photo

Doak, Hugh & Dessie (nee Dick) (Hugh with Tom Craig pioneered Nebraska in 1907)
Kansas (Dessie Dick from Iowa) married March 23, 1914 in Woodbury, Iowa USA
1922-23 & 1926-27 List in Kansas
Deceased: ____________________________

Dunshee, Willard Amos and Ethel E. (nee McVicker) Married April, 1908
1922 List in Michigan/Indiana
1926-27 Workers List in Indiana
Willard DOB: April 7, 1881 in Michigan; DOD: June, 1961, buried Ferris Center Cemetery, Montcalm Co., MI
Ethel DOB: May 18, 1891; DOD: Oct. 6, 1976
Willard and Ethel Dunshee were a young married couple when they were living in the Eastern part of the U.S., heard the gospel and volunteered for the work, and for some years were separated and with older companions.

Gard, Edward (Ed) & Caroline (Carrie) (nee Palmer)
Were in the work from 1915 until their deaths in 1953.
Ed was from Ohio (born 1875) and Carrie was from Canada (province unknown) (born 1874). 
1926-27 Workers List in New York; 1947 Workers List in NY
Had a son that a professing couple raised for them. Son never professed.
Deceased:  Both died in New York in 1953 

Johnson, George & Ella ( nee Powers) Irish
Not on 1926-27 list. On 1947 Workers List in NY; on 1956-57 NY list
Were both workers who decided to get married.
Preached on East Coast. 
George died in 1972; Ella died in 1976 

Richter, Charles (Charlie) & Belle (nee Weydt) Montana
Shown on 1916 Dalton Garden, Idaho Conv Photo w/daughter Grace
Shown on 1922 list in Wyoming
Shown on 1926-27 in Wyoming
Both died in 1951

Steward, Andy and Mrs. (Virginia in 1912)  Information needed

Thompson, Thomas and Annie (nee Swift) Pennsylvania
Shown on 1912-13 English Workers List; 1915-16 Workers List for Pennsylvania
Thomas was born in Douglas, Scotland Jan. 11, 1874. 
Annie was born in North Carolina Apr 15, 1873.  
Annie died Jan 9, 1918 in North Carolina, and is buried in Winston-Salem, NC.  
Tom continued in the work until his death Oct. 14, 1933 in Kentucky and is buried in Louisville, KY.  

Wilson, Matt & Leticia (nee Armstrong) (Scotland/Nebraska)
Matt was born October 18, 1876 in Kilsyth, Scotland. 
Shown on 1905 Workers List as entering the work in 1900 as a single man. 
Married Letitia Armstrong in 1903 Shown together on 1906 Toronto Convention List and the 1907 Pittsburgh & Chicago Convention List
Shown in Nebraska on Worker Locations after 1912-13 Conventions
They were in the work together in Nebraska at least until 1918 around time Irvine left USA. (Not shown on 1922 Workers List)
Reportedly left the work disgruntled and formed their own church, which didn't last long.

Winegard, Ellsworth (1897-1959) & Caroline (nee Bedette) (1898-1978)
In the work from 1927-1930 only in New York.  
They were both born and both died in New York.

Canadian Married Worker Pairs

Batstone, Verdun Woodrow & Anna Jane(nee Bryant)
Verdun born July 5, 1916, in Grand Falls, New Foundland; died Sept 26, 2000, in Borrie, Ontario.
Labored in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada from 1937-75.
Anna born November 23, 1929, in Borrie, Ontario; died September 15, 2005, in Ontario.
Labored in Ontario from 1953-75.
Date of marriage unknown. Both were Workers when they married.  No children.
Active in the work in Ontario thru 1975-76; listed as resting on 1976-1977 list.


Kleven, Joseph (Joe) & Minnie ( nee Propp)
Married in 1916.
1926-27 Workers in North & South America in Alberta, Canada
Joe: Born Feb. 22, 1891 in Calgary, Alberta Canada; died March 1976.
Minnie: Born Dec.1, 1896 in Oklahoma USA; died Oct. 1972.
Both are buried in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at Evergreen Memorial Gardens
Minnie was Willis Propp's aunt--his father's sister.
Children: had a baby girl who died when a few months old.
View Photo of Joe & Minnie Kleven
Article about them in this book: "Along the Fifth:  A History of Stony Plain and District "
Authors: Stony Plain and District Historical Society, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada, 1982
Page 375 by Carlos Propp

McIlwrath, William (Willie) & Mildred (Millie) Olive (nee Spillett)
Willie (unmarried) came to Canada in 1905, aged 23 from Co. Down, Ireland with seven other young bro workers on SS Parisian.
Willie was born April 21, 1882 in Northern Ireland, professed in 1902, went in the work in 1905. Worked in England, North Dakota, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.  
Millie Olive Spillett was born March 12, 1884 in Innisfail, Ontario; went in the work in 1919, and worked in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Shown on 1922-23 & 1926-27, 1958-59 Workers Lists  in North & South America in Saskatchewan, Canada
Dismissed from the work around 1962.
Had one son, Jimmie, who never professed.
Deceased: Millie died July 12, 1969 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Deceased: Willie:___________??

MacLeod, Murdo & Dollie (nee MacLean) Ontario
Not on 1922-23 or 1926-27 Lists of Workers for North & South America
On 1947 Workers List in Prince Edward Island
Entered work 1948 as a married couple
Active in the work in Ontario thru 1974-75; listed as resting on 1975-1976 list.
Labored in the Maritime provinces and Ontario.
One son, George, born while they were in the work; was raised by Pratts in Canada;
Dollie died in 1993, age 74; Murdo was born July 7, 1911 - died Dec.12, 2008, age

Walker, George & Margaret "Maggie" (nee Dane of Enniskillen, Ireland)
(not to be confused with George Walker, who was Overseer of Eastern USA)
They started in the work in 1919 after being married a few years.
Remained in work in Eastern Canada til their deaths.
Maggie was sister of Mollie Dane, and cousin to Rebecca Dane, both in the work.
1926-27 Workers in North & South America in the Maritime Provinces, Canada
No Children
Died:  Maggie in 1960; George: ________

Bye, Lars & Olga (nee Wold)
Lars was born Sept. 13, 1891, in Trondheim, Norway; died April 14, 1963, in New Westminster, B.C. Canada
Labored 1926-1963 in Alberta, and B.C., Canada and Norway.
Olga was born April 21, 1901 in McLeod, North Dakota; died June 7, 1996 in B.C. Canada
Married in 1919. No children. Olga did not continue in the work after Lars died.
On 1922-23 & 1926-27 Workers in North & South America in Alberta; on 1957 list for BC

Graham, Robert & Maude
(nee Pryor)
Both were workers who met at convention and married in 1924, when she was 29 and he was 49 yrs old
Shown as married on 1926-27 Workers in North & South America in Alberta, Canada , but not on 1922-23 list
Robert was born 1875 was from Enniskillen; was in work 1907-1929;
Maude  was born 1895; was in the work in Oregon USA; was in work 1920-1929
1922-23 Workers List in No/So America: Robert Graham #1 in Alberta
Robert was overseer of Alberta in 1929 when he left the work. 
They had five children.  As of 2000:

1. Mildred Price (married to Dave Price, Jack Price's brother) She was excommunicated in the late sixties.
2. Mabel Lian  (Tom) still married, professing and living in Anacortes Washington.
3. Iris Davison, husband Lowell (deceased) living in Chiliwack B.C. and still professing.
4. Gordon (Orma) Graham, living in Blairmore and still professing.
5. Dorothey Roulette (Dave) living in Arizona, never belonged to the church or else left at a young age.

Australia & New Zealand Married Worker Pairs

Also, as mentioned above:
Carroll, William (Bill) & Margaret/Maggie (nee Hastings) Ireland ; Australia
McClung, Wilson & Anne (Annie) (nee Kerr) Ireland, Australia and New Zealand

Beattie, Ralph & Rene (nee Amy Constance Irene Lester) Tasmania, Australia
Ralph was born April 2, 1883 in Scotland; died Dec. 17, 1958 in New Zealand.
Rene was born Aug. 6, 1886, in Tasmania; died Jan. 1, 1989 in New Zealand; buried at Stratford.
Married April 2, 1907; professed around 1909. Went into work in 1911 in Victoria, Australia.
Their first year in the work, Ralph preached with Wilson McClung and Rene with Annie McClung.  After that, they preached together some of the time.
Ralph shown on Hutt Valley Workers List in 1924; with male companion 1926, 1932-36
Labored from May 23, 1911 to 1958 in Victoria, South Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania.
Read Story written by their children
Had 4 children:  Archie (born 1909 - deceased), Jean Ruth (born 1915 - deceased), Esther Amy Gibson (1922-2012), Joseph (Joe) Clyde (b. 1930 - ? in NZ).
Rene's brother Clyde Lester and wife took responsibility for 18 month old Archie when his parents entered the work on May 23, 1911. He died young.
The other children were born while they were in the work and moved around New Zealand with their parents.
Rene Beattie wrote Hymn Nos. 91, 79, 140, 282 in 1987 Hymnbook.
See Photo #1    Photo #2

Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Gus (nee__________)  Australia
Preached in 1921 in New South Wales, Australia.

Punke, Ernst and Finny (nee________________) Australia
Ern professed in 1913 in South Australia.
Both were workers who married while Ern was in the work in Germany
No Children. Ern died in Germany in 1964.
"Besuch in Australia," 1956.

Quick, Frank & Hilda (nee Vogt from Australia) Australia, New Zealand
Frank in work in Victoria in 1917; left work and married Hilda Vogt during the 1920's..
They entered the South Australian work as a pair in 1937; preached in NZ til 1973;
No children.
Deceased: Frank died in 1975, aged 85; Hilda in 1977.

Robinson, Les & Evelyn (nee___________).  Australia
Preached in Queensland 1922-1940

Following Walker Information included for information only - they left the work when they married:
Walker, Alec/Alexander Samuel & Queenie (nee Higgins)
, NZ New South Wales
They married in 1920.  Queenie was born on January 8, 1885; was from Avoca, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
She professed thru John Sullivan; went in the work in 1905; preached in Ireland, England, NSW Australia and in New Zealand in 1909-1912. 
Alex was born Sept. 16, 1889 in New Zealand, professed 1907; was in the work 1910-1920 in New Zealand and New South Wales Australia; died July 10, 1967 in New Zealand.
Their daughter, Florrie, was born after they left the work. She was a NZ worker who labored much of her life in Malaysia. Retired in NZ (in 2008)
Review of Hymns (1951 edition) states:  "Alec Walker, who married Queenie Higgins of Avoca, wrote No.  72.  He was for a time in the work in New South Wales and is now living in New Zealand and has a daughter in the work in Malaya."
No record found showing they were in the work together after their marriage.

Other Countries -- Married Worker Pairs

Carelse, Andrew C. (Boy) & Ann (nee ?)
Andrew was born 1884 in South Africa; died July 29, 1934 in Summerset West, S. Africa.
Andrew labored 1922-1934 in South Africa.
Ann was born in 1884 in South Africa; died Oct. 18, 1967, buried in unmarked grave.
Ann labored 1921-1967 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Colored married worker pair; marriage date unknown; married when entered the work.

Harris, Vernandez & Edith (nee_______) Jamaica
On 1947 Workers List for N/S America laboring in VA and MD
In 1954 laboring in Washington D.C. area
They were in the work from 1942 to 1967, perhaps longer. Entered the work married - pair of colored workers
Edith died. Vernandez remarried and lived in NYC til his death October 13, 1993 at age 85
View Photo of Harris at 1954 Doylestown, Pennsylvania Convention Photo

Hartmann, Otto & Manny (nee Schneider )  Germany
On 1990/91 Swiss List; On 1986-87 German list as being in Switzerland
Both on 1991 Worldwide Workers List in Switzerland/Germany
Not listed on 1995/96 German list
Deceased:  (late 1990's)  Both are buried in Waldshut, Germany

Kilpatrick, Tom & Martha (nee_______________) South Africa
1956 Africa, Ft. Beaufort District
Not on 1991 Worldwide Workers List
Started in the work in 1915. Daughter, Elna was about 3 when they went into the work. Elna was raised by her grandmother.
Deceased: Tom predeceased Martha. by 20 years. She died in 1979.

McClung, Walter and Christina "Chrissie" (nee McLennan ) South Africa
Brother of Wilson McClung from Ireland who emigrated to South Africa.
Chrissie was from South Africa.
They professed and were in the work by 1912-13.

Micheletos, John & Anna (Annie)
(nee McBride) Greece  (Sometimes spelled "McLetoes.")
Annie professed in 1904 thru Ed Cooney in Belfast. She's on the 1905 Workers List. This couple married in 1917 and pioneered the work in Greece.  John was born in Crete around 1880, and immigrated to Canada at age 17.  There he met 2 sister workers, and Annie McBride from Belfast, Ireland was one of them. He later offered for the work and wanted to go preach in his homeland, Greece. "No companion was available for him and John was extremely disappointed. He confessed all his thoughts and temptations to Annie McBride who had brought the Truth to him and who listened to Him as a spiritual mother.  Annie who was almost 20 years his senior offered to marry him and join him as his companion to Greece...their decision was faced with great skeptism by the elders...They arrived in Greece in 1920."  (Just after WWI ended.)  (From E. Vassiliou, January 1986 "Introduction")  John died in Athens in 1966; Annie died in Hania, Crete in 1944.

Medica, Martin & Catherine Elizabeth (Betty) (nee ___________ )  Caribbean
Medicas were married before they went in the work, and were a pair of colored workers.
1963 Workers List working in Trinidad, each with a same-sex companion.
1989 Caribbean list, Martin had a male companion; Betty was with Lily Medica.
1995 Caribbean list, Martin & Betty are paired together in Curaçao/Aruba.
Betty died March 12, 2012, and Martin on June 3, 2019, aged 95.
They were the last married worker couple in the world.

Both Martin & Betty spoke in a gospel meeting in November, 2011.
Click Here to View Photo of Medicas

Plaatjies, James & Gertie (nee_______) Africa
Entered work in 1949 (he was 41 and she was 34 years old)
1956 - Natal, Africa
Not on 1991 Worldwide Workers List
Gertie only had 11 years in the work; James continued for 22 more years til his death.

Scott, Alexander "Sandy" & Eva Pearl (nee Idso; Iowa) - married Oct 28, 1954, in Lanciano, Italy.
Reportedly, Sandy believed he would be better able to preach in some European countries, if he was married; Eva volunteered to marry him. He was 68 and she was 34. She was born in Gaza, Iowa and was 28 years younger, and was in the Work in Italy.
Sandy wrote many of the hymns in Hymns Old & New.  Per hymn author booklet, he entered the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, USA, Canada; was possibly first Brother Worker to go to Italy. During WWI, he preached in the U.S. After the war, he returned to Italy and resumed being Overseer there—until he married in 1954.
He pioneered the Work in Spain in 1933;
Sandy lived was born in Scotland on Sep. 1, 1886–died Nov. 26, 1968, and is buried in Okanogan, WA, near Chelan.
Eva Scott was born in 1914, passed away October 11, 2010, and is buried in Iowa.
They were the next to the last remaining married couple in the world.  

View Photos of Sandy & Eva Scott

Smith, John Robert (aka Bob or Juan/João in Brazil) and Martha (nee Hogg)
Bob was born in Warrenton, Virginia, March 24, 1894; went in the work in 1915.  Martha (Hogg) Smith was born 8/17/1901 in Ireland.  Her birthplace is listed on a 1946 ship passenger record as Cahaney, Ireland. She was in the work by 1924, perhaps earlier.  They both went to Brazil as young workers, met and there they married, possibly around 1938, and spent the rest of their active preaching time there.Were in their 80s when Martha fell down some stairs went into a coma and never recovered. They were known in  Brazil for pioneering in very remote areas and had many converts. They returned to Virginia, USA as very elderly people.  She passed away in Graham, North Carolina, on March 23,1987. He died June 27, 1990 in Rockville, Maryland.  They are buried in Warrenton, Virginia. NOTE: In the notes of Bob's funeral, there is NO MENTION of Martha who was by his side in all work the speakers commended him for!
On 1947 Workers List for Brazil; on 1982 South America Workers list for Brazil.


Some married BEFORE they went in work
Some married AFTER they were in the work:
    a. WITH the workers approval/permission
    b. WITHOUT prior permission and challenged the system
Some had children born while they were in the work; some had children previous to entering the work.

CHILDREN: Of the married workers, the following are known to have children:

Beatties - 2 sons, 2 daughters
Bettys - 3 sons
Carrolls - a daughter
Christies - daughter & son
Cunninghams - a daughter
Dalrymples - a son
Dicksons - a son
Downies - at least 3 daughters
Gards - a son
Grahams - 5 children
Heselwoods - 2 sons, 2 daughters
Kilpatricks - a daughter
MacLeods - a son
McIlwraths - at least one son
Richters - a daughter

Announcement of Marriage of Workers David Christie & Emily Wilson
Milltown, Washington Convention - 1923

Jack Carroll - Saturday Morning, December 1

There is a difference between I Corinthians Chapters 3 & 4, and Chapter 9.  If Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the marks of true ministers, then Chapter 9 deals with the rights and liberties of true ministers.  In this chapter, Paul seemed to feel the need of defending the ministry.  He not only defends his position as an Apostle, but also asserts his rights as an Apostle.

It seems that some of the saints in Corinth raised the question of his Apostleship, refusing to recognize him as an Apostle, and he writes this chapter in defense of his position.  He makes the claim that workers have certain rights which they may or may not exercise.  He claimed the right (Revised Version) to the support of the saints, or the right to do without their support.  He claimed the right to take a sister as a wife on his journeyings, or the right not to do so.  If he did not exercise all his rights as the Lord's servant, they were his, nevertheless.

It would almost seem the only Apostles the Corinthians were acquainted with were married men, and it is possible they may have questioned his Apostleship on this, as well as other grounds.  The point, however, I wish to make is this.  Paul asserts he had the same rights as other Apostles, and insisted these rights should be acknowledged--even if he did not use all of them.

There was a time when wrong ideas were in the minds of the saints with regard to marriage.  Many saints found it difficult to get away from a feeling of condemnation if they married, and workers who married were placed under even greater condemnation.  It is important that we should have right thoughts in our minds about this subject, as well as every other.  The Scriptures teach, "Marriage is honorable in ALL," and this I take to mean BOTH saints AND servants.

The reason I speak so freely and plainly about this subject today is because two workers came to this convention married, and wish me to make the fact known.  I refer to David Christie and Emily Wilson.  And while we may seriously question the wisdom of this step, and recognize that it means greater difficulties in their lives, and less liberty in the Gospel, we cannot make dishonorable what God has made "honorable"; and for this reason we speak no word of condemnation and attach no penalty.  If there is to be condemnation or penalty, we leave this in the Lord's hands.

They are willing to be guided by us with regard to the future.  They desire to continue in the work, and we wish them to do so.  They have volunteered to go to the Hawaiian Islands.  We have not asked them to leave this field, nor will we do so.  If they go to the Hawaiian Islands, they go on their own suggestion and initiative.

It may be difficult for some of us to reconcile ourselves to this change of relationship, but whatever our personal feelings may be, we must be true to what God has revealed, and recognize the rights and liberties which are the heritage of all God's servants.  We cannot, and will not, therefore, refuse them a place in this ministry, or the right to speak from this platform.

For fourteen years, Emily Wilson has been one of the most faithful and unselfish workers on the Coast, has given those years ungrudgingly to all in true service, and we hope she will not lose a single friend because of this step.  David Christie has had the seal of God in other fields, and we trust he will have the seal of God in his labors in the Hawaiian Islands.

Lest some should become unduly alarmed because of what has been said, it may be well to say that over 95% of workers in every field voluntarily remain unmarried for the gospel's sake.  Less than 5% claim the right to marry, which Paul claimed in I Corinthians 9.

I sincerely hope the Lord will give grace to all to look on this matter sensibly, and that the Spirit of Christ will not be grieved by any.

When were the workers no longer allowed to marry?  

Sometime between 1923 and 1954 in Jack Carroll's territory.  Christie's marriage was endorsed in 1923. however, after their marriage in September 3, 1952 , Chester Sweetland and Clara Den Herder were not allowed to continue in the work. With this policy change, the other married worker couples in the USA were "grandfathered" in; i.e. they remained in the work, but newly married couples were not allowed to preach.  When the spouse died, some of the surviving spouses continued in the work with same sex companions.    

See also Letter by Rittenhouse and Sweetland for changes by J. T. Carroll in married worker policy.

What does theBible say concerning ministers, marriage and celibacy?

Where in the Scripture did Jesus forbid the disciples or His ministers to marry?

"Marriage is honorable in ALL," according to Heb 13:4. "ALL" includes both saints and servants, men and women.  Where does the Scripture exclude the workers from the word "ALL"? Why aren't there a good number of married pairs of workers now?

Paul claimed in 1 Cor. 9:5 that he and Barnabas had the right, as well as the other apostles, Jesus' brothers and Peter, to take a sister or a wife on their journeys, regardless of whether or not they chose not to use this right -- it was still their right.

Judas Iscariot was married with children -- Psalms 109:8-13.
Peter was married -- Mark 1:30, Matt. 8:14.

God intended marriage to be an option for ALL, regardless of their circumstances, or calling in life.  Marriage was an individual matter.  The Bible's stamp of approval is NOT upon those who forbid marriage, but rather labels this practice as a doctrine of devils, 1 Tim 4:1-3!  REQUIRING others to remain unmarried for life is to enforce a doctrine of devils.

The workers claim they make a "free choice" not to marry--but this is not so.  It is a mandatory REQUIREMENT if they want to be a worker.  If it wasn't, many workers would be married to each other, and many have asked to do so, and have been refused.  Since God does not forbid marriage to anyone, why is this doctrine of devils enforced?  1 Tim 4:1-3.

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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?
Galatians 4:16

"Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance."
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