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First Missions
December 31, 2022


When did the work begin?  In 1897, when the Nenagh Revival Mission was held by young "red-hot evangelist," William Irvine. The new sect spread like wildfire in Ireland. Followed by Revival Mission in Rathmolyon.

Who were the first brother workers? John Long, Alex Givan, Tom Turner, George Walker

Who were the first sister workers? Emma and Jenny Gill, Sara Rogers

Who was the first to profess?  Dora Holland, 1996, Kilrush, Ire.

Who was the first native to go in the work? John Long

When & Where was the first fellowship meeting? Two places claim this honor: (1) Over Weirs Store at 21 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin, Ire. and (2) Gatehouse of Crocknacrieve.

When & Where was the first baptism?

When & Where was the first convention? 1903 Rathmolyon, Ireland on Willie Gill's property

Where have subsequent conventions been held? See List in TTT Photo Gallery

Where is the convention currently held?  Cork, Antrim and Down counties; Carrick, Co. Laois; and Gortaloughan, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh.

Who have the Overseers been? Some Irish Overseers may have been Wilson Reid, Hugh Breen with Irvine Pearson; a triumvirate of Bertie Anderson, Willie Wilkin and Sam Dewart and Joshua Gamble; currently, Thomas Gamble.

Entire families were converted, and many young men and women entered the Work. Passionate young Workers were eager to spread the good news. Between 1899 and 1903, 192 Workers entered the Work. Many children in some large families became Workers, e.g. eight from the Morgan family in Ireland; six Todhunters from Scotland; six Hollands from Ireland. Many other families had four–five siblings in the Work. Soon, there were far too many Workers for the small island of Ireland, so the Workers went abroad to preach in other countries.

Ireland is the only country where Workers weren't imported,
but rather exported.
(Sydney Holt, Western US Overseer, June 27, 1985, TTT)

The two most comprehensive historical accounts central to Ireland are written by Irishmen Goodhand Pattison, an early convert with two sons in the work, and Brother Worker John Long. Read these fascinating documents posted on the website in Publications.

Account of the Early Days by Pattison

Journal of John Long

TTT Editor's Note: In the absence of a written account, the above information has been compiled by the TTT Editor from various sources. Corrections or additions are most welcome; as well as other historical accounts for this country Email TTT

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Galatians 4:16

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