Edwards - January 8, 1943
Laughlin, Jr. - January 30, 1943
Edwards - February 1, 1943
Edwards - March 13, 1943
Pages - March 25, 1943
Edwards - April 3, 1943
Edwards - April 14, 1943
Edwards - April 18, 1943

Edwards - April 24, 1943
Edwards - May 2, 1943
Edwards - May 13, 1943
Edwards - May 23, 1943
Edwards - June 9, 1943
Edwards - July 8, 1943
Edwards - July 13, 1943
Edwards - July 17, 1943
Edwards - July 22, 1943
Edwards - August 1, 1943
Edwards - August 10, 1943
Edwards - August 13, 1943
Edwards - August 14, 1943
Edwards - August 18, 1943

Edwards - August 28, 1943
Edwards - September 12, 1943
Edwards - September 20, 1943
Edwards - September 26, 1943
Edwards - October 5, 1943
Edwards - October 17, 1943
Edwards - November 9, 1943
Pages - November 20, 1943
Edwards - November 28, 1943
Edwards - December 18, 1943
Pages - December 20, 1943
Wm. Irvine’s Letter to: Edwards
January 8, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co.:
Thanks for many good letters which bear the marks we love to see of loyalty to what the Spirit gives us by all who have such. It’s wonderful to see how everyone who is deceived by the Devil in any form become adversaries, showing God’s mercy to those who want to be honest in the matter, and also reveals to the deceived where they are. Wherever the Spirit is given and the name registered in the Lamb’s Book of Life, there Satan concentrates to hinder and harass. When the Sower went forth to sow, the Devil sowed tares to hinder, deceive and destroy, so both grew til the separation, leaving them with meal Truth or truth without life and the Woman sowed of put leaven in to finish the delusion Scandal and truth can never come from the same heart. Idols are man-made; images is God’s work in conforming us to the image of His Son.
Fifty years ago tonight I passed from death to life, and felt light hearted and glad, though a little dazed as I looked back and forward, and very much like what I was 81 years ago, or on my first of my 81st year. But as I look back I can see God supplied what I needed as truly as did my mother to me as her babe in Adam. I soon got to know the difference between what the Spirit gave me as I read or listened, no matter where or when, and I soon got to see there were many seeking their own in me, but He was Faithful in protecting me from their wiles and ways.
We often think and speak of the part we play in our salvation, but it’s all of God if He can find an honest, thirsty heart, and I can look back and see I had found no satisfaction in all I was, or had or heard. Psalm 139 is a perfect outline of my experience from my birth in Adam to my birth in Christ. From vs. 1-12 you see how His Spirit was working, from the womb from birth to rebirth for 30 years, making me hungry and thirsty for something that would satisfy and give hope and comfort through life begotten in me by His Spirit. As a boy I was able to detect the hollow ring of the religious people, and early despised it in my heart, though I knew not it was God trying to save me from delusion around me and hypocrisy. Vs. 12-18 are very wonderful as I look back over the 30 years that led to my deliverance from all that was vanity while working in me and my life to make my experience underground fit me for the apostolic life which appealed to me, and which Providence was working out to make possible in me and in my life. Vs. 15 and 16 is a wonderful description of my experience of 20 years in the lowest part of the earth, a hard dirty, dangerous life with much responsibility and knowledge of man and things. Vs. 14 is very true as I look back. The Carpenter of Nazareth. 20 years as a carpenter, helped me to see where and why I was there and as I was. Psalm 129 seems to throw much light on my two birthdays.
Psalms 71 may refer to my 3rd birthday coming and what precedes. Vs. 18-20 are very like the conditions in my 2nd birth, with age added to mark the time. If Matt. 13 and others proved to be prophetic, I can see many marks in these Psalms which give me comfort, hope and cheer, which I love to share with any one of true heart purpose to fulfill His purpose in their own life. You can see the vanity of all that selfish human, world, flesh and Devil is in quenching what the Spirit seeks to put into our hearts from cradle to grave to gain the whole world and fail to hear and obey the Spirit’s voice and leading.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Laughlin, Jr.
January 30, 1943
My dear Bob and Co:
Thanks for your letter and parcel. I would have replied to Mr. B. but I did not have his address, when he sent me money by bank. Glad to hear how you all are and where, when He is fulfilling Isaiah 24, which gives much general detail of all His present and future work. We are nearing the end of the first woe – 3½ years for Hitler, and now our day of curing him is at hand by end of February.
It’s very comforting to see Daniel 7 coming out so clear in the midst of so much fog, which comes from our own and others thoughts and words. The Bear has arisen and devoured much flesh and now the Casablanca decisions put the Leopard’s defensive and offensive League of Nations on it’s feet, and in it’s place with four heads, USA, England or Great Britain, Russia and China, with dominion given to it – one military power to direct all the operations for winning the war. So we have Global front for attack, as well as offense. The fourth Beast, USA & Co. is very clear now, and it’s 10 horns or fighting forces scattered all over the Globe to be strengthened anywhere as their 10 million army grows, and it’s transport power on land, sea and air increases. So it’s all very wonderful proof that it’s God’s war, as well as man’s, and what’s written for the Lion with the wings of an eagle which have lifted it up from the earth with the heart of a man and standing on the feet of a man who may be Churchill in history, if men fail to see it today. Our defense and defeats have proved that we are not the aggressors, and now our victories will prove the same fact – that we could if we would have.
The 3 woes of Rev. 8 show that they are all related to the last war, and each to each. Rev. 9:1, the opening of the bottomless pit and out came smoke of blind fury, hatred and violence. Smoke from the pit used to blind men to all the light and leading that nations and men ever had, and poisoning as with serpent poison all who got it; while inspiring men to see the power of the air (as locusts suggests) and mechanized power on land and sea, but all for destruction of Abaddon and Apollyon suggests the 2nd woe is but the reaction to all they have revealed in their cruel, proud activities; creating words like annihilation and retribution which the word vengeance suggests. Third woe suggests the consequences which allows the day of vengeance, so they are all in order and God and Devil revealing who they are, and where the power lies, to give us the new order - a New Heaven - a New Earth wherein dwells righteousness - God in His place - the Devil in his - and men in their place - High, Low, Rich, Poor; and the Carpenter ruling by His word and Spirit, the world.
My experience the past 50 years has made it easy to read the Book, and to see how it’s more than history of the past, but prophecy for the future. Matthew is like an outline of much in the past years, and now giving detail for the present as well as the future and throwing much light on what’s written in Old Testament as in the latter Epistles. “Many are called, few chosen” shows how futile all profession which does not mean His nature possessing us and conforming us to His Image. Matt. 13 is just like an outline of much of my life and work. Matt. 5, 6, and 7 shows the two uses that can be put to any privilege God gives. Matt. 18 shows the two ways of being up or down by profession. Matt. 24 at the end shows the separation of the son of Man and co., and those who don’t believe judgment began. Matt. 25 shows the separation of foolish and wise; those who used their pearl privileges and got more, and those who did not. Rev. 2 and 3 shows how much privilege we may have, and how much work, and yet have the door shut against Him. So make sure.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Edwards
February 1, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co.:
Thanks for yours and many other good letters and gifts for my two birthdays, and now we look more hopefully for the third.
The First Woe or consequences of the 1914-18 war. The time given for Second Woe is very clear, 3-1/2 years, which enables us to see thee 3-1/2 years of the First Woe ending in February, 1943. You can see the marks of the four beasts of Daniel 7. The Bear, Russia, has surely risen up on one side and is and had devoured much flesh, which shows the mercy of God to the other nations in giving them time to prepare for the great fight yet ahead.
Casablanca Conference and plans is surely fulfilling what is written for the Leopard, the spotted beast. The Allied nations now with four heads, U. S., Great Britain, Russia and China. These words written so long ago (2500 years) by Daniel brings God on the scene today as nothing else could do. Then the fourth beast, U.S.A. is very much in the spotlight with it’s 10 horns or armies already in the field, to be reinforced in whatever place most effective, and that by Air Transport as indicated in Daniel 8, now easy to read but difficult up till now.
Germany’s threats in Berlin on Hitler’s 10th anniversary to deal with the Allies raw material, helps to make Daniel 8 and Rev. 9:12 to end more readable for the day of vengeance coming on. The Axis powers will become more desperate in their hopeless fury, which helps to read the latter part of Rev 9, and the victory record in Rev. 13 for the Leopard with the mouth of the Lion; Great Britain with the feet of a Bear shows the end of Casablanca purpose and plans and where we may expect Jerusalem to play a part, as they did in the 1914-18 war which was the beginning of what we see to be the end ahead.
Some of the comments we hear now are quite clear, that Hitler’s inspiration is the smoke out of the bottomless pit opened by an angel from Heaven which gives God His place as Judge of the whole earth. The Lion, Great Britain and Co. in Daniel 7 seems to recognize the value of Mr. Churchill to Great Britain which is to end with the feet and heart of a man, for he has put iron into the Leaders and peoples to assure victory.
These many outward marks do not mean much comfort to a man who has not fulfilled the conditions of Rev. 3:20. The word “Behold” so often used in the Book has little meaning for a blind man, but we expect there are many who will yet see, hear and live and find the promises of Isaiah 55 fulfilled to them. Conditions in the world are even now very serious to anyone who takes enough time to think and feel for others’ sufferings and with very little hope or comfort.
To those who had no eyes for God’s power, looked on David as a presumption fool going out to face Goliath, but their eyes were opened when they saw David returning with the head of the giant on the giant’s sword, and it will be the same today for all who are willing to bear the marks of weakness and reproach for his namesake.
The whole conditions in the world seem to fit into Ps., 91 as in no other age, proof that it is prophetic and so the more to encourage those who have opened ear, heart and mouth to the voice of Him who alone can speak words of life and take possession of a human life and body as His temple and dwelling place, all else is futile. Hs is not going to destroy His own property any more than a man would bomb his own dwelling place. So I hope to meet and enjoy a look on the faces of the David seed when they return with Goliath’s sword and his head on it and victory for all that’s of God on the earth.
My love and best wishes for all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
March 13, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and many others, all cheery and hopeful. Glad to hear Anna is having a holiday after such a spell of faithful work and witness. Good report of John’s movements around Napa. Philip writes well.
I hope your weather is good and suitable. We have had rather cold damp weather up to the present, but winter will end this month here.
Third of March ended the first woe I expect, 3½ years, as the time of 2nd woe is very clearly 3½ years, which may be an indication of the first, in time.
Romans 6:23, “The WAGES of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Sin means missing the mark or refusing to recognize the purpose of God in creating us in His Image, giving us personality, free will and free choice; but not willing to let God finish the work of making us after His likeness, as revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord, or bringing God down to our own human selfish level, in place of letting God make us partaker of His nature, as Sons, Heirs, and Joint Heirs with Jesus Christ.
Iniquity is our thoughts of God and His purpose, in contrast to God’s thoughts and ways of making us partaker of His likeness, as revealed in Jesus our Lord. Bringing God down to our level in Adam in place of letting God bring us up to His level. Wickedness is the result of pride exalting us amongst men by putting God’s name on all we are and do and be in Adam. We refuse to hear God’s voice as He speaks and pretend and demand that He hear us in our prayers, etc., like monkeys attempting to bring the human down to their own level.
Matt. 23 gives the 7-fold marks and 7 woes, which is the natural consequence now being carried out to the final conflict and finish of the old Heaven and Earth, as men have produced on the earth, to make room for the new and true that God has promised from the beginning, and which He has purposed and predestined in creating us in Adam to be re-created in Christ Jesus. Cain offering the fruits of the earth, angry because God did not want that; but the fruits of the spirit as seen in Abel who had ears to hear and heart to obey the voice of the Lord God, as He walked in the Garden to undeceive them (Adam and Eve) from their human attempt to bring God down to their own level, in choosing what was good for food, pleasant in men’s eyes, and making wise as men look on it which is foolishness with God, as the wisdom of God seems foolish to men in Adam.
Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell when he saw what pleased God in his brother. “Why art thou wroth and countenance fallen?” God can never look on it as well when men put their own thoughts and ways up. Rather be willing to live by every word that comes from His lips as He speaks by His Spirit to men. “Sin lieth at the door.” It’s their own human choice putting (self) thoughts and ways in place of God’s. Either meek and lowly in heart, or proud and wicked. Jesus showed how a human life can be used for the regeneration of men, and how others can do the same, as in the Apostles who became mansions or temples in which God and Jesus could live and work by. “God dwelleth not in temples made by men’s hands,” but in temples of His own handwork. It’s either Adam up, wroth and countenance fallen; or Jesus in us by His Spirit witnessing to deaf ears and many words and ways of rebuke as Cain did to Abel, and the same possible end as we see in Rev. 11. Generation of the human is Adam at his best. Regeneration is Jesus at His best in a man losing his life for the Gospel.
My love in Christ Jesus to all,
Wm. Irvine
NOTE: Anna, John & Phillip were Wm. Edward's children
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Pages
March 25, 1943
My dear Pages and Co:
Thanks for yours and others. I hope all the invalids are on the mend, Body, Soul and Spirit. The things we see and feel tend to cloud the promises of God. The wrinkles, marks of age and weakness don’t help us to believe we have eternal life. His countenance was more marred than the sons of men. Isa. 53 gives you all the marks which blind men from seeing as He sees. Shut ears and the estimate of men is a real test of our faith. Cain killing Abel is rather a queer mark of the mortal killing the immortal. In Adam all die. Even so in Christ Jesus shall be made alive. The wages of sin, or refusing to see the purpose of God in giving us opportunity, is death. The free gift of God to all who feel their need and are willing, is Eternal life. The last verse of Gen. 4 is very striking. Then after Cain had married and had children, men began to call on the name of the Lord, or when men thought their worship after the human pattern we see in Cain. Enoch was the 7th from Adam and you see in Jude what he found in human imitation of Cain. Read it in Jude how he repeats UNGODLY as describing all their words and works. Enoch walked with God and was not, for God took him to save him from Abel’s death.
Noah walked with God who showed him what all flesh or human worshippers had done: filled the earth with violence and corrupted God’s way on the earth, so God’s purpose to drown and destroy them from off the earth. Though they professed to be Sons of God and interested only in multiplying and peopling the earth with no thought of God’s purpose in their regeneration. So the flood came and took them all away as a warning to the human race of all ages. As animal nature tends to bring down the human to their own level, so humans tend to bring God and all that is of God down to their own selfish interpretation, feeding their pride and iniquity in His name in place of feeling their need of being Born of God into His family and becoming sons of God, heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. So as it was in Noah’s day they did all their generating and increase in the name of God, but had no thought of regeneration and becoming partakers of the God nature. So shall it be in these days of the son of man.
Jude 15-16 is a wonderful outline of all their works in His name in Jesus’ day, and in our day in the world Scribe, Pharisee and hypocrisy or human imitation. You notice Jude speaks about going in the way of Cain, following greedily after Baalim for reward, and perish in speaking against Moses and the Lord as Korah, Dathan and Abiram did in their envy that all the people were God’s people.
The most perfect animal can never be human; so the most perfect human can never be Godly till born from above and made after the pattern of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abram, Moses and Jesus. The human imitation will always rise in their own and other’s eyes just as surely as the Godly seed will come down in their eyes who see as men see, so don’t worry when you feel down and out in men’s eyes and when you have a taste of what you read in Proverbs 1 - God calling by your lips and life but no man wants to hear, or clasp you hand held out in warning and welcome.
My love and best wishes for all who have ears to hear and heart to understand.
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
April 3, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours. It’s good that some are beginning to realize what a fool’s game it is to let their own thoughts and ways lead them to refuse to obey the voice.
I was reading Jeremiah which gives us the covenant He made with those He brought out of Egypt from the iron furnace they had been in, saying, “Obey my voice according to all that I command you, so shall ye be my people and I will be your God.” Then answered Jeremiah and said, “So be it O Lord” or “Amen.” Notice how earnestly God protested, “Obey my voice,” but they obeyed not nor inclined their ear but walked every one in the imagination of their evil hearts. THEREFORE Adam obeyed the voice of the Lord and obeyed even to getting out of the garden, and Abel bore the same marks, just as Cain and the men who began to call on the name of the Lord, ending in what Enoch found in the seventh generation, as we see in Jude, where He calls them “Ungodly” and as they proved to be in Noah’s day, refusing the voice of the Lord till the flood came.
They prefer to hear the Master, Owner, Possessor or Baal. The echo of their own heart’s desire to flatter their pride and feed their wickedness.
Jeremiah from 1 to 11 is very good reading as shows the needs of the people demand a man sent and anointed to be the mouthpiece of the voice to Jerusalem and Israel, with an altar to Baal in every street and an idol in every town in the land. Jeremiah from Anathoth, a town about 7 miles from Jerusalem. You notice their attitude to Jeremiah, he felt like a lamb or an ox to be slaughtered, while they plotted and planned his destruction and getting rid of him at any cost.
You will find much to comfort and stimulate your faith and confidence in the record of Jeremiah. Bring out the conflict between those who hear and obey, and those who choose and feed their own thoughts and ways by what is seen and heard at every street corner in the land of promise then and now.
When they were slaves in the furnace of Egypt, they were willing to hear the voice of the Lord through Moses and Aaron with the plagues on the Egyptians to encourage, but when they were across the Red Sea and the Egyptians drowned they sang, but very soon forgot their deliverance and began to murmur and complain, and blame Moses for bringing them out to perish in the desert, and so perished in the desert for their ingratitude, despising and accusing Moses the man who was the mouth of God to them.
There were many called but few chosen when tested as to their heart attitude to God. How easy to get humans to call on the name of the Lord, as did Cain, and offer the fruit of the ground which God has no use for, but to hear and obey the voice as did Abel, and suffer in being like a lamb or ox to be sacrificed for being His mouthpiece is very different. It’s easy to get humans to call on God and do all their own will and way, and prosper in it; but to hear and obey and suffer at the hands of those who have no ear is acceptable to God.
If we hear not the voice and obey Him who speaks then God can’t and won’t hear us even in the furnace.
I hope you will enjoy Jeremiah and find much to comfort, cheer and rejoice in.
My love and best wishes for all who have ears to hear Him, no matter where and how.
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
April 14, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and enclosures; they are very cheering in these days when the Cain spirit is rampant on the earth. The serpent way was to beguile Eve, but the Voice walking in the Garden was quite the opposite. “Adam, where art thou – hiding amongst the trees of the Garden. Hast thou eaten of the tree I forbid you to eat?” Then the Voice cursed the Serpent, the woman and the man for their human presumption in trying to know the things of God in their human nature; like monkeys trying to understand what is human. Human nature loves to be beguiled, flattered, cajoled and made much of.
Abel means vanity, a good description of the estimate of those who have no ear for His voice, no matter how one may try to soften His “Adam, where art thou, etc.” Margin says Abel was a keeper of sheep AND goats, and Matt. 25 shows you Abel and the Sheep and Goats at the end of the age. You find it in Matt. 5, 6, 7, - the Abel seed with poor in spirit, mourning, meek, hungering and thirsting for the righteousness which is inward, in spite of all the hindrances in us and around; merciful, pure in purpose and motive, peace-makers, persecuted, reviled and scandalized - contrasted with the proud in spirit - bumptious and satisfied with their own thoughts and ways, wanting place amongst men, no appetite for the voice and offers of God, unmerciful with mixed motives of their own, troublemakers, persecutors, revilers and scandalizers. So in Rev. 2 and 3, those who have ears to hear what the Spirit saith, and those who have everything else but that, Sheep and Goats; and you find it the same in Rev. 22. “If any man hear my voice and open the door, “I will come in to share their misery and they my joy, etc.
Abel heard His voice and opened the door and the Lord came in to sup with him, and he to sup with the Lord and all that’s His, but he opened his mouth and let the Lord out by his mouth to Cain, and so the conflict began, Abel being like a Lamb to the slaughter, suffering for the thoughts and words which the Lord spoke to and by him to Cain in the Lord’s offers of salvation, and in the Lord’s pleading with Cain and holding His hand in mercy. Little did Cain know that it was the Lord in and through Abel he was hating and trying to stop every attempt to help him. Abel was comforted every time he was rebuffed, scoffed at and refused, but he was accepted of God in his sufferings for His namesake.
Cain could never forget all the many times the Lord spoke through Abel, and found out too late he had been driven out from the presence of the Lord and his place on the earth when the City let down from Heaven whose founder and builder is God, as in Rev. 19. Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, married, had a son named Enoch and built a city on the earth and named it Enoch. How many buildings and cities on the earth have the same value and meaning. The MARK of Cain, - fear of death, no presence or face of God, unforgiving to every man who would make him suffer, no conscious hope of resurrection to reign with Him 1000 years, trying to forget the reality of all the possible promises given to those who suffer for His name. Lamech, four generations from Cain, was more vengeful than Cain, showing how the spirit of revenge grows; some became famous as Cattlemen; others Musicians and others cunning craftsmen, showing how people seek to forget God in many human ways.
My love and best wishes for all with ears to hear God,
Wm. Irvine
On back of photo of Mr. Irvine, taken on April 18, 1943, received May 20, 1943
My dear Edwards' and Co.:
I got this photo yesterday.
Tunis and Bermuda and the terrible work of the Air force speak loudly of conditions in Egypt so long ago, a sample for today for all who can read aright. Abel means Vanity. A lost life sacrificed to pleasing God. It's interesting to notice both made their choice as young men. Cain took a wife, had a son Enoch -- dedication. Built a city called Enoth. Great-grandchildren, cattle, kings in tents, not sheep. Tubalcain, father of the arts and crafts in brass and iron. All men of renown, then and now. What a contrast in men's eyes with Abel in God's eyes, choosing the mortal and refusing the immortal.
Wm. Irvine.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
April 24, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
This is Black Saturday Night, in memory of Jesus in the Tomb, proving that Jesus did His Father’s will to the death at the hands of proud and wicked humanity, raging and demanding His death because He offended them in speaking and acting out all that the Spirit prompted Him in being, doing and saying, that men might know the way, truth and life which leads to the Father, who alone can give us His life and nature and register our name in Heaven as His Sons, heirs and Joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.
The Transfiguration and Gethsemane reveal how human He was, but the Christ nature winning the battle against the human. “It is finished,” - how easy to die when He had the sure and certain hope of resurrection, which His enemies could never know anything of. His disciples knew very little of it, for they were but children or babes, in spite of all they had seen and heard, but they were growing and found it easy to give their lives to the death in the same great conflict when they had “finished their course, kept the faith and won the fight” as Paul says when the shadow of the Roman axe was over him, as it had been when the fury of Cain’s humanity let loose on Abel, his human brother. This shows us how real and serious the matter is when we let Rev. 3:20, the Spirit of Christ, come to live His life in our mortal body. We are babes and sucklings, but born of God we grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ Jesus, and so we die to the human, as we let Him live out His life in us, that we may become heirs and joint-heirs in all He revealed in His Resurrection.
Sacrifice of the lower is the law in all the kingdoms. Elements are sacrificed in producing compounds, which in turn are sacrificed in feeding the vegetable. Elements, compounds, vegetables are food for the animal; so on in the animal and all under it is sacrificed in feeding the human. So it is in the human; if we are to let the Divine feed on the human it means death to the human as the Christ nature develops in us, and we lose the possibility of our humanity in letting His will be done in us and by us. The lower is sacrificed that the higher may prosper. So Abel’s human life was vanity from the human viewpoint, and Cain became big in his race. Angel - 6th Kingdom, was to be sacrificed in seeking to comfort those who were heirs of salvation. Those who refused to do this because of their pride and iniquity became Devils to harass, accuse and hinder; Satan through Peter trying to save Jesus’ going to death.
The mention of gas to be used against Russia, referred to by Churchill is interesting when we read Rev. 9:12 to end. Out of the mouths of the horses with the head of a lion, out of the mouth comes fire, smoke and brimstone, or gas. Smoke is not mentioned yet, but may soon follow to make a cloud to hide in from searchlight rays and gunfire. We may expect greater activity in the Near East.
My love to all and best wishes,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
My dear Edwards and Co:
I got this photo yesterday. Tunis and Bermuda and the terrible work of the Air Force speak loudly of conditions in Egypt so long ago, a sample for today for all who can read it aright. Abel means vanity. A lost life sacrificed in pleasing God. It’s interesting to notice both made their choice as young men. Cain took a wife, had a son. Enoch = dedication. Built a city called Enoch. Great grandchildren, cattle kings in tents, not sheep. Jubal = the father of music. Tubalcain = father of the arts and crafts, in brass and iron. All men or renown, then and now. What a contrast in men’s eyes, choosing the mortal and refusing the immortal.
Wm. Irvine
Note: On back of photo of Mr. Irvine, taken on April 18th, 1943; received May 20th, 1943.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
May 2, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours. During the past 12 days of moonshine activities in the world in memory of the crucifying of Jesus as a presumptuous bastard, and the last chapter to be written in the great earthquake and hail for Jerusalem and the cities of the nations, which is a good background for all we see, hear, think or say.
I read 60 letters in these 12 days, and nearly all of them wrote of the clearness of their vision which reminded me of the woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and in pain to looking for the bringing forth of the Man-child. The woman would still have been in the gross darkness which covers the people on the face of the whole earth, but for the fact of 3 persons who had 5 Talents, the result of being willing to give their lives in service in the apostolic manner of life, and pay the price. Their only reward being the anointing of the Spirit which is given only to such workers in the vineyard. Living waters can only flow from such lips, and so your reward in being His mouthpiece since 1938, for my letters for many years to 1 and 2 Talent people failed in its purpose.
Rev. 5:20 tells of where most people failed in letting Him come dwell in them. Rev. 22:17 shows two sorts produced, the Spirit and the Bride or those who are willing to let Him act in service and receive the anointing that is given for helping others with living, life-giving waters, and so pass from 2 Talent people to 5 Talent workers. While 2 Talent people are called, they who hear can only say Come, but have not the power to make it possible any more than the thirsty.
They could nail His hands and feet to the cross as a presumptuous bastard, but they could not stop the living waters flowing from His lips, which the thief heard and received. He opened the windows of Heaven to the thief and murderer on His right hand.
It is little use to quote, “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near, “ if He is to bound up in those who have let Him in, but His hands, feet and mouth bound, every possible excuse of pretense in attending to everything that can never offer life to others.
Adam and Eve were not impressed by His appearance in the Garden but by the authority with which the Spirit spoke, and it is the difference dead deceived people need in feet that are free to come to them freely.
It’s little use admiring Rose, Willie and Winnie and coveting such gifts if we don’t try to find out when and where and how the anointing became theirs. The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations, but they need to fall and be spread. Kings and Rulers of the earth can conscript their servants. King of Kings and Lord of Lords can only use loving, loyal, slave labor; and make them fountains of living, life-giving waters.
Pen and ink, and print, is no value to dead people. We see the signs of harvest ripening. Paul never found the messenger of Satan to buffet him more than when he had the most wonderful revelation.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Cold up to Easter, now very warm.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
May 13, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and others. The meeting in Washington points to the coming of the great day of vengeance or tribulation, when He will reward every man according to his works, not his words.
Adam and Eve are the fullest manifestation of provision for propagation of the human race, which is the foundation of the whole religious world. The voice of the Lord God came walking in the Garden in the cool of the day showing them what God’s purpose in humans could and should be. So happy and comfortable were they that they hid from Him, but He cursed all they were or could be, meaning all they can be is given over of God so far as fulfilling His purpose in making humans partakers of His Grace, as in John 3:16 which can never be possible other than by sacrifice.
In Cain and Abel we see the conflict in their young manhood on how to carry out God’s purpose in God’s way, and you notice the sacrifice in Abel because he fought for God’s need in humans as feet and mouth that humans may hear His voice, and share in the sacrifice of what’s human in giving God His share.
No doubt Adam and Eve spent many hours in the cool of the day, after their toil, in giving Abel true understanding of what pleased God, and what was refused of God. Abel’s blood shed cries out for vengeance against all who have refused to hear the call of the Lord God, and give Him feet and mouth at any cost; in reputation, shame and ignominy. Cain and Co., calling on the name of the Lord till the flood and fire ends their refusal. “How can they hear without a preacher, and how shall they preach except they be sent.” Isa. 6 is worth reading. Rev. 22:14 shows what He needs and wants in the Spirit and the Bride who have the passion of God, Grace in their hearts to pay the price in hearing and obeying in giving feet and mouth, that He can pour out living waters.
The Woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, delivered from the gross darkness and moonlight. The human reflections of what is of God. The birth of Ishmael as an heir to Abram only tended to bondage. It was of the flesh, God’s Grace to Abram in breaking the law of nature in giving him a son, revealed the Grace of God. Abram and Isaac revealed the Grace in their hearts in willingness to sacrifice in proof of their having His nature and grace.
Rebecca ready to be delivered of twin sons. Esau and Jacob known of God. Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated. The one revealing the Grace of God and willing to sacrifice his all in getting it; the other a hater to be hated and hardened of God by Jacob’s purpose and desire for the birthright Blessing of God. This may give us light on the bringing forth of the Man-child which seems now on in being the Least of His brethren, that they might taste and see the Grace of God will produce in the Woman body either the Esau flesh or Jacob seed, who will sacrifice all in the one to be hardened and hated of God, and the other to be perfected as the Father of the 12 Tribes of Revelation.
Read Jacob at Peniel when his name was changed from Jacob to Israel as a prince having power with God and man. God in sending His Son full of Grace and Truth, born of a virgin, broke the law in men’s eyes and so they could only crucify Him whom God raised and crowned. Only those who get to know the Grace of God in their hearts could understand. Rev. 22:10 to end is for today. We have seen the first blow on the feet of the Image, bringing the day of reward to every man according to his works. Unjust, filthy, righteous, holy counts for nothing if men have not the Grace of God to others, proving they have His nature; they will get wrath and vice versa. Let all men have their choice and sacrifice, the only law in true service.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
May 23, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
N. Africa and Churchill’s speech in Washington is the smiting of the Image on it’s feet of iron and clay, and the beginning of the day of vengeance for all the blood shed in those who gave their lives for the Grace and Truth of God for their brethren. I am my brother’s keeper, is what Abel’s death means; in contrast to Cain’s, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The law of God in the hands of men crucified Him who was the Grace and Truth God sent in His Son by the Virgin and has done all through the ages. They tread the Blood shed for sin and sinners under their feet as an unholy thing, and exalt their own righteousness in keeping the law till it ends in extermination of each other.
Zech. chapters 1 to 4 shows the new order and Zech. chapters 11 to 14 shows the passing of the old. The mountain becoming a plain and the stone cut out without hands becomes a mountain. Zerubbabel means - begotten in Babylon; without might or power, but by His Spirit. “He shall bring forth the headstone thereof, with shoutings, crying “GRACE GRACE unto it.” “The hand of Zerubbabel laid the foundation, he also shall finish it, for who hath despised the day of small things shall rejoice and see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel,” with those seven which run through the whole earth. Then comes the two olive trees, the two anointed ones. Verse 10 with Matt. 18 reads well together. Those who glory in their righteousness, while God glories in His Grace to men and through them to men. Denying Grace to others hardens the heart, while showing Grace to others softens it, as we pay the price. This is what purifying, making white and trying means that they may understand who God is and why of all that’s happening on the earth today. Grace of God to man and by men who have it, to men who don’t know what it is. Rev. 22:10, “Seal not the saying of the prophecy of this Book, for the time is at hand,” when every man will receive according as his works shall be, Grace or No Grace. He that is unjust let him be unjust still. We think of this on the human plane, we rob God in refusing His Grace and refusing it to our neighbor. He called them thieves and robbers of God and man in refusing to enter by the door of suffering and sacrificing for others, and in climbing up any other way, of making God and man suffer for lack of what He delights to give to meet the needs of all men as He revealed in every part of His life and death.
“He that is filthy, let him be filthy still.” Think on all the filth which came from the hearts and lips of the mob as they crucified Him, and all the filth that comes from men in their crucifying of Him afresh, by their refusal to have His Grace and mete it out to others. His birth by a virgin has probably produced more filth than all the other conditions in the world.
“Let him which is righteous be righteous still” who have shown least Grace in the whole of human life on the earth, called time, now coming to its end. They don’t feel their need of God’s Grace and so have none to give. “Away with Him, crucify Him,” who is and was Grace and Truth by whom every man is to be rewarded. Righteous Cain, Esau and the Pharisee elder brother and Co., Holy, or set apart for service as were the Scribes, best understood by Matt. 23 and it’s seven Woes.
Filthy is best understood by Matt. 5:11-12. “Seal not the sayings,” shows our witness should be along the lines of world war, famine, plagues, quake and hail; which is the expression of wrath. So it’s either Grace Grace, or Wrath Wrath, and it’s a personal matter for every man on the face of the whole earth. So it’s wise to try and get all to realize that the time has come for action in place of reading and meditation, for they have been like calves of the stall, well cared for. If people see what’s ahead for all, they if honest, will see and feel there is no hope but in God, His truth and Grace, no matter whether in Army or War work. There are spare hours they can give the Spirit; feet and mouth in reaching those in danger.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
June 9, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Today is the great day of rejoicing in the Jewish world in memory of God giving the Law to Moses. The Ten Commands to reveal what all men are in Adam; revealing all men as sinners in God’s sight, and the only cure as revealed in the 4 sacrifices. The whole burnt offering - Surrender to God in letting Him begin to work in us to will and do of His good pleasure as in Revelation 3:20. The peace offering - To keep peace between God, ourselves and our neighbor. The sin offering - To heal and help us in all our weaknesses. The trespass offering - To keep us right with our enemies.
The law was to bring us to Christ, first in feeling our need and in supplying our needs in Him by His life and nature. Then in the Blood shed. The religious world makes the mistake of beginning at the Cross - as they say - but it’s the same as people putting the offering out of order, skipping the whole burnt offering and trying the peace offering, sin and trespass order, or suiting themselves, robbing God and claiming what they need. They want the comfort of the religious world and refuse to graciously receive His Grace and Truth. So, many are called and few chosen because they have claimed His Grace, while having none towards God or man.
The Serpent humility and dry-as-dust words, the woman’s conception and sorrow, love and loyalty; the man’s labor, sweat and toil and disappointments are valueless and vanity. Clothing them with skins speaks of sacrifice or loss to our humanity in seeking to have living waters flow from our lips as from His in His walking in the Garden for their salvation; fully manifested in Abel’s sacrifice and death in seeking to save Cain from the curse. Our value to God and man depends on our willingness to suffer loss in letting Him dwell in, walk and pour out the living waters by which men can be truly conformed to the Image of His Son.
He gave Adam a bride of his own flesh and bone and said, “Multiply and replenish the earth,” - but in revelation 22 He wants a Bride of His own flesh and blood to gather a family out of the wreck and ruin of the human race.
The two witnesses probably indicate what the Bride means, or those who will fulfill the same conditions and which mark the lives of the true Apostles who were more interested in the doorposts of strangers than in their own gate and doorpost, as were most of those who became the enemies of the homeless few mentioned in the Book who were worthy of His honor in their death. You can see in the gathering of the 144,000 from the corners of the earth and then scattering them to the parts they came from has the same losing value you see in His words, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.”
In Acts you can see in the 120 at Pentecost the same Spirit of Come and Go to those who had not heard. Those who have been scattered by the Wars can become very useful or useless according to the use made of their many privileges. The calves of the stall fed are to go forth and grow up into full grown whole burnt offerings unto God and man. Home ties and fellowship did not seem to have much place in the early bride, so we may expect the same marks in the Spirit and Bride of today and tomorrow.
Let the living waters flow, seems to be the desired mark of Rev. 22.
The sacrifice is what it costs us in letting the waters flow. The
poverty and heart-breaking conditions, restrictions and binding influences
in His first 12 years because of His birth, with only the comfort of His
Godly Mother, while the Synagogue Law people were putting the screw on
every possible way through the people. At 12 you see the conflict
between light and darkness in Jerusalem, leading to the final day when
He declared war on them who robbed and oppressed. Joseph was dead,
Mary a widow with 3 sons and 4 daughters all suffering as He was and had
been from His birth. Unjust and filthy, righteous and holy, were
His robbers and oppressors for 30 years, preparing Him to pour out the
living waters by the Spirit to the needy and thirsty as today. Mary
and family thought Him mad, but all came to see and share in the victory.
What filth He listened to before the Sanhedrim for hours without a word.
What filth for three days while in the tomb, was heard for justifying His
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
July 8, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours with Madeline’s enclosed which is full evidence, like others, of their neither being under His wing or the blood that alone gives us shelter and a test of our faith. Feasting on the truth of God, marrying and giving in marriage are but proof of human weakness when the trial of our faith comes. It does not change His purpose to get a Bride with the Abel marks in sacrifice of the human in seeking to be acceptable sacrifice. “They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the words of God in their witness, loving not their lives to the death,” easily said but staggering when the test comes.
I have enjoyed reading the crucifixion chapters which reveals what unjust, filthy, righteous, and holy works are. Pilate wrote in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, “This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” In these three languages they had labeled Him bastard which had made Him suffer all through His life and work, and finally led to Him being sentenced to death after hearing all the experts witness against Him which He heard but had not a word to say, then confessed He was the Son of God and so worthy of death according to the law. How unjust when He had revealed God to them in all He said and did. The filth of a human heart can never be revealed in any other way. The righteous and holy are worse. If the well of living waters is flowing out, then people are safe; if stagnant, in danger.
The Carpenter of Nazareth is now King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and men and NATIONS are under judgment and wrath. Poland was and is the greatest protector of the Vatican Latins, with a very strong Hebrew people, and what suffering they have had. Russia is the great center of the Greeks whose head the Czar was, and now we see the Roman Empire passing in painful review. The shedding of blood amongst these three peoples should make men stop and think, for it’s to come on all men that dwell on the face of the whole earth as a snare.
The whole world is tense today as to what is coming next - where, when, and how. The only light people can get is from the unsealing of the words of the prophecy of this Book, Revelation, and it can only be done by those who have had a chance by the Reader of Revelation, so the Devil will concentrate on this point, and reward according to works. If men will not hear what He wants to say to the world as He speaks by them what proof is there of His presence in them. So unseal the words of the prophecy. If men will not hear Him, what else can they hope for but wrath. I can’t see any compromise possible - either in those who profess to hear, and those who refuse to hear when He speaks, no matter what excuse men or devils may find for the most serious of all days in history, and in our lives.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
July 13, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Sixteen years ago on 11th of July at about 3 P.M., the hour He died, we had a good quake in Palestine. Though I noted the hour and places damaged, and the number of dead and injured, with 4 million pounds damage, leaving the Holy place weak and in danger ever since, in spite of much propping and repairs. I can remember the cutting out of the stone without hands going on, for people don’t like to hear of His judgments on the earth then or now. So the unjust and filthy pour out their hearts and mouths into the cesspool of the righteous and holy, and so the stone gets cut in His, our day, and always. But when the long awaited and expected 2nd front came through the paper on July 11, 1943, it was a very welcome reminder of the quake of 1927 which compelled many to think there was something behind what they did not like to hear or see in their midst, for it compels people to recognize the same truths and facts which stirred their filth on the crucifixion day, as we see in the end of the Gospels, for it was concerned entirely with what we see happening on the earth today.
Men may not want to hear the Message of Revelation which covers the whole period of Judgment from 1914 to the very end of the program, now begun, when all nations and every man is to get not what they want but what the Carpenter of Nazareth, now King of Kings and Lord of Lords considers fit and just.
So Rev. 22 shows Revelation has been read to all who have ears to hear, “Seal not the words of the prophecy of this Book, for the time is at hand.” They whom He can dwell in will have living waters out of their well to bear witness. Those who have not will be unjust, filthy, appealing to the righteous and Holy, against the Reader, etc., to make him the Least amongst his brethren. They can neither add to it or take from it.
“Behold (if you have eyes to see) I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according to his works.” So the waters will flow and the filth will flow in mills and beds and fields. One shall be taken, the other left, according to the use they have made of the truth He has revealed at great cost and long suffering.
The report from Sicily is that everything is going smoothly according to plan, so in the whole world.
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
July 17, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
I got many good letters yesterday. Daniel 2 is very good reading to those who have eyes and ears. The cutting out of the stone without hands, only plenty of filth and injustice. God chose the source of all the filth, etc., which crucified Jesus. So I expect the anointed’s filth has been chosen for the Least of these His brethren.
The stone of stumbling and rock of offense who needs and gets more grace than any other, and so fitted to offer the same to those who need, such as the publicans and harlots who say, No, but repent and press into the Kingdom, when those who said, Yes, and did not (go work in my vineyard) are cast out.
We have had enough experience to know how many are willing to say Yes, but when it comes to leaving house, parents, brethren, wife or children for the Kingdom of God’s sake, they stay with all and spiritualize it. This is how the human race has corrupted God’s way on the earth, bringing it down to their own level.
The vegetable was to give, or had to die in feeding the animal, so the Apostolic marks as seen in Abel is where they fail and fall down.
The soft Belly of Europe in contrast with the N. Coast, with it’s leg of Italy and the foot heel and toe so often mentioned in reports, has been and is now well smitten. The feet of iron and clay is very brittle and don’t hang together, so feeding the conquered and Churchill and Roosevelt offering honorable capitulation is only appealing to humanity, the seed of men and the socialist elements wholesale; the iron rule and rod, and so it’s going smooth since the 11th of July, 3 P.M.
The very shape of Italy and its foot, heel and toe help us to recognize where we are at. The feeding and feasting on meat during the reading of Revelation period leads to the day when He says, “Seal not the words of the prophecy of this Book for the time is at hand,” for those who will choose or refuse the Apostolic command, or be content to hear and say “Come” without the power to make the Message Life-giving, or be unjust, filthy, righteous, holy “Yes” people and perish. Privilege is one thing, responsibility another. Words don’t count when the day for works has come. Jesus had been anointed and confessed it, been tempted on the Mt., made disciples, mother and brethren thought had gone mad. Then the wedding at Cana of Galilee where Mother and disciples were there, as well as the Bride and the Bridegroom and relatives were present to celebrate, till the wine failed. Then another Bridegroom and Bride, Jesus and His disciples appears on the scene. They had never seen the power of God for them. Mary, now convinced says, “Whatever He saith, do it.” Fill up the water pitchers to the brim, draw out now and bear to the governor, in charge of feast, and the last was better than the first they had had out of the fancy wine vessels of the human wedding. Six common clay vessels full of water for cleansing purposes, as all human knowledge of truth is, but when these disciples had left all, not said but did it, and were there as evidence of their being His Bride. He chose them because they had chosen to be with Him. It was a love match which changed them to being wine givers and life giving waters to all who tasted. See what it made them to the perishing world.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
P.S. Not much notice taken of the relatives who were starting out on their honeymoon, with plenty of congratulations, to save their lives in the natural human affairs common to humanity. So choose ye the way Abel and Jesus revealed, knowing what the rewards are sure to be.
The bride of Rev. 22:17 is the way of death, but it brings life to others. This is the mark of the mountain and 144,000 who are to bring it to the whole world. W.I.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
July 22, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for 60 letters which came this week. Sorry to hear of Ira leaving us and his family. God know best and it only shows whose we are and whom we serve in these days of rewards since 11th July at 3 P.M., for that fact in His experience must be first, and the smiting of the Empire is not by chance.
I’m sure you don’t have any doubt about Malachi prophecy being for these days we now are in, and you notice Esau and Jacob mentioned. The 4 there who tasted Apostolic service up till 1914 and have been on probation getting rid of much that is old, and now have been stall fed on Revelation which has been a feast rather than a fast. He never forgets our vows any more than He forgets Pilate and Herod’s words and actions of which we have ample proof. I would advise these 4 to get together and read Malachi as His message to them for today. Read also the Cana marriages - for there were 2 Brides and 2 Bridegrooms there - the one human and vanishing - the other unseen and eternal. It may seem like madness to fulfill the Apostolic conditions - leave all to follow Him in the unsealing of the words of the prophecy of this Book Revelation when the time is at hand, and reward both ways sure.
It will not be hard to choose 4 common clay vessels full to the brim as companions who will find the water turn to wine as it’s poured, bringing life to those who are in need. The clay vessel will be turned to rock as Peter was when he proved that the Father had done His work in Him. Man can live by bread alone, but he can also live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God by his own mouth. This is what the world needs for the healing of the nations. Don’t waste time in religious or other chatter, but give them the plain reading of the prophecy in all it’s most vital and terrible things He says for the day of wrath which will compel attention of every honest heart. Those who have least pretense of knowing, will be the best soil as you pass on.
The more you have to leave the more sure and certain the reward. Read His words to Peter and you can be sure sacrifice is the very best investment, and His care over all who share in the sacrifice. You have quite a big field and many open doors - but avoid feeding of the calves; let them learn out of their own mouths as they witness.
Malachi is good in every part, for it reveals what hinders in the Esau seed, and where we can be sure of fulfillment to the Jacob seed. You will find great stimulation compared to feeding the over-fed in the stalls, for God must have been wearied with words. Don’t fear - it’s as great or greater honor than had those we admire so much in the Book.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
August 1, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
This is the anniversary of the 1st Angel sounding and the war of 1914 to 18 began. Russia mobilized on the 26th of July, Germany on the 27th and 28th, and war began on about the 11th of Aug. and ended on 11-11-11. Our time or Noah’s time for the flood. Fast of Ab this year is on 10th of Aug., the smiting of the Image on the 11th of July - the pointer being the quake in Jerusalem in 1927 at 3 o’clock, the hour He died.
Dan. 2 is very readable now as we see the feet of Iron and clay, brittle and broken. Pilate and Herod’s part in the handing over of a man they believed innocent - scourged, crowned with thorns and a royal robe put on, and exhibited as a man and King of the Jews and the notice in 3 languages on the cross; all these facts are pointers in seeing what’s now taking place. The 2 thieves on either side of Him can be seen in the way Italy is placed, between 2 great powers, the one on the right friendly in their offers; the other on the left very deadly and dangerous.
During the opening of the 5th Seal, Hitler’s 3½ years, the Saints in Heaven crying out for vengeance, to wait till the 6th Seal is opened - now on as the day of vengeance - Rev. 6:9 to 17. When Isaiah was prophesying about what took place in Jerusalem on the Fast of Ab, they wanted a sign and the Lord gave them Isa. 7:14-16 for the 2nd Fast of Ab in Jerusalem, but Isa. 9:5, 6, and 7 is for today. Notice verse 5, which shows judgment is to be by burning and fuel of fire, showing us the why of increase of air activity, and the threats to Italy are in this direction today, as the clay and iron are being revealed, making it very hard for settlement. Vs. 7 and 8 leave no doubt as to who is behind all that’s going on for the establishing of a Kingdom forever. “The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform. His name Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace,” to be established on the earth in judgment and justice.
It was very natural to expect He would avenge His death; first on those He considers the guilty empire or nation. The crucifixion chapters give many hints in what is on the coming on. He has been very patient and bountiful in feeding us Revelation, though it has been very closely sealed - now to be opened and the windows of Heaven wait on our giving as fully and freely of all we have so long vowed and promised, which is the tithes and offering, which enrich His house in wheat, etc., for the hungry world. Then we will see who served God in works, as well as words.
Give the Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace what He asks in Malachi, caring only lest we miss the greatest opportunity in service ever given to humans on the earth.
It’s a great day and will never be repeated. Picnics and tea parties and visiting was for the feeding of the calves in the stall, now to go forth and grow up into whole burnt offering.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
August 10, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for 3 from you and many others. This is the Fast of Ab in memory of the 2 times Jerusalem was taken by Nebuchadnezzar and Titus. Isaiah was the prophet for the first; reveals the condition of Israel as in the first few chapters. Chap. 6 shows God’s call and his answer; the sign given for the second time was a virgin shall conceive, etc. In chap. 9 you see the sign of the 2 world judgments in 1914 when war began on Fast of Ab, which was 27th of July, when the 7th Seal was opened in Heaven and the 7 Angels prepared to sound, and now the 6th Angel has sounded and the stone cut out of the mountain has smitten the feet of iron and clay. Iron toes which don’t cling together as we see in Italy today; while the German iron remains in power, Italy is being put between two enemies, one of which is friendly.
What they did to Him - no mercy to a man they said was innocent - the scourging to compel Him to confess He was guilty, the royal robe to cover His bleeding back, the crown of thorns, mocking and leading Him forth to show Him as the man, and also the 3 language declaration of who He was on the Cross. The marks today before the whole world reveal that he has begun to avenge the blood shed, of Him and His, who have been crying, “How long O Lord;” so Abel’s blood is included, and Isaiah’s and all others.
His work as Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace is to be marked by burning and fuel of fire, which links it up with Mal. 4, and shows us the name those who fear His name are to think on.
God gave Revelation to Jesus, who sent it to John to write it; a reader to read and make the words of it prophecy, now to be unsealed to the poor, broken-hearted, blind prisoners of the religious world and you can be sure the Spirit of the Lord will be given to those who do it in the Apostolic way, which has ever been His way, and now the stone is to become a mountain and fill the whole earth with Apostles who do His will and work in the way we find it in the Gospels. He had many Jackal followers talking about what He said and did, thinking to be one with Him in what they saw and heard. “Except ye eat my flesh and drink my blood, ye have no life.” So they went back. These were pretending to do His work, and speak the words of Life to others. There can be no words of Eternal Life spoken but by those who fulfill the Apostolic conditions as did the 12.
Malachi shows the same marks - following for what they can get, wearying Him with words and robbing God of what they can so freely and easily give, so there is no meat in His house or flesh and blood, such as He revealed in His own going forth to unseal the living waters then and now.
The riding in a car through thousands of poor, broken-hearted hopeless prisoners, blind and bruised, is not like what He was and did. The Calves have been well fed and now the harvest is ripe for reaping. Bring the tithes and offerings into His house, and He will open the windows of Heaven, and pour out beyond our needs, which probably refers to John’s coming and results.
Bob, Joe, and you had a good taste of what can be done in your finishing the work He began, and now has perfected you for the great day of harvest. “Fear not thou worm Jacob and ye few poor men of Israel, I will make thee a sharp threshing instrument, having teeth,” - showing these words spoken for the harvest or tribulation period.
Your age and experience and equipment with the Omega words of the prophecy of the Book - if you go forth to show the stall fed calves how to go forth and do it. I will spare such, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall we discern between those who serve God and those who do not.
Malachi is valuable and comforting in that it reveals the exact conditions we find today amongst the stall feds, and is to be read in conjunction with Rev. 22. You have a very big, well prepared field with so many people and places where you can find needy people all around you, and open homes where you can also show them the possibilities. God and Jesus and the Spirit waits to give you surprises, if you are to be the beginning of the great 144,000 Apostolic witnesses, to be gathered from the 4 corners of the earth, whom He has been sealing in their foreheads. The more you have to leave behind in doing this will add to your value. The crowning day of all your past work is now in sight; without an open Heaven the people perish. You can see Jesus’ work was to prepare an Apostolic ministry for the opening of the heavens, as at Pentecost, and without that there would have been no outcome of His work, suffering and death, and no resurrection.
You will find Dan. 12 good reading with Malachi, and especially Mal. 4 and Rev. 22. All who ever were His Apostolic Servants were comforted in seeing the Great Day now we awaken to, sleep to the possibilities.
Surely to be conformed to the Image of His Son is included in His purpose, so awake to the new possibilities which come as the crowning of all your nearly 40 years service and suffering. The same anointing Isaiah and Jesus got are for you. Get nine clay vessels full of water to be companions, and draw out now.
Best love,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
August 13, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and others. Twenty nine years ago today according to Jewish time and 9th of Ab, since England entered the war of 1914 to 18, which was proof of the 7th seal being opened in Heaven, and the 7 angels prepared to sound the various epochs of the beginning of sorrows, or the judgment of the nations, and now we have entered the 6th angel period, and the great day of harvest or tribulation for nations and every man according to their works.
What Pilate and Herod gave Jesus seems to be a guide to what the Roman Empire is getting. The Allies have robbed them of their Colonial possessions, and Hitler has robbed them of their freedom of action. The crown is more like a crown of thorns, and the royal robe a mockery. Mt. Etna is like a monument of their weakness, and the power of His wrath. “Burning and fuel of fire,” are very manifest on land, sea and air, which He said would mark His wrath on the earth.
Daniel 12 is a very complete outline; Michael standing up for those whose names are written in the Book in Heaven, as in Mal. 3, while a time of trouble such as never was and never will be again to awaken some from the sleep in the dust of the earth. He had 29 years of it, while the cup was being filled to the brim and ripe for judgment. It ripened Him also for the part He was to play in changing the Gospel over from Jew to Gentile, and now we are at the end of days.
The reading of Revelation has been the meat in due season for the calves of the stall who are to go forth and give to the world, prepared of God for either Life or Death. The leaves of the tree are to be living green leaves, and the fruit plentiful for all who care to eat and live. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last,” so what He did in the Alpha Days is prophetic and guidance for what He wants to do and be in those who let Him live out His life in their flesh today. What He got in the home town and synagogue is a sample of what we expect to see to those who awaken out of the 29 year dust sleep. He went to the mountain to find out what the Devil had to offer. The change from living by bread alone in contrast to the words of God from their mouths by which they lived, as they offered the bread and water from Heaven to all who were hungry and thirsty. The Devil’s offer of place and popularity had no charm for Him; only to worship and serve the Lord God; nor had He any ear for presumptuous bombast, but the humble useful way of meeting the needs of men in the conditions He found amongst the victims of their Pride and Wickedness.
John the Baptist had been preparing disciples, and He went down to be baptised of him, and the Spirit came on Him in the form of a dove, and John said, “Behold (ye who have eyes to see) the Lamb of God.” John and Andrew went home with Him, and the next day reported, “We have found the man with the anointing of God.”
So He chose some others and went up with them to Capernaum and Bethsaida, and got some others, (half were far out relatives) six of whom were at the wedding at Cana of Galilee. The six water pots filled to the brim to become wine or life giving waters as it was poured out, and was much better than all that the wedding guests had at the celebration of the humans who were still asleep in the dust of the earth, or all they could be in Adam, while God was awakening some to Everlasting Life to shine as the firmament, and others to turn many to righteousness such as Jesus was revealing in the New Life of sacrifice He revealed in what He did, and how clean He did it. He did not trouble about Nazareth, for a prophet is not in honor who sacrifices all that’s human to be a living acceptable offering, giving His life as sacrifice to redeem many from the dust of the earth.
The anointing of God is much more sure and effective amongst strangers than amongst those who have only known us (in our sleeping in the dust of the earth days). God has not forgotten all our vows and promises of 40 years, and so we can be sure of an opened Heaven when we give Him a chance to reveal the world wide possibilities of Jesus in His Omega work, in the harvest days for friends and enemies of His; Michael standing up for the Seed of Daniel whose names are written in Heaven.
You can read Rev. 12 and see the conflict in Jerusalem. Whatever you do, do it so that you will be a guide and leader to the 144,000 who are to be from the ends of the earth, His Disciples. He is on the Throne as Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. His Spirit in US will work out all the pleasure of God in us and by us in many.
Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
August 14, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for a very nice photo of the Loitz family of six; compelled my attention to Mary, Jesus and the family in Nazareth where Jesus had been asleep in the dust of the earth for nearly 30 years - home, family life, carpenter, eating the bread He earned in the sweat of His face, getting honey and butter to eat from His Godly Mother, tasting the bitterness of the Pride and Wickedness of a people who were ripening for Judgment. The Spirit working in Him gave Him power to choose the good and refuse the evil. This was the beginning of the Alpha Gospel, which ended in 1914 when the war came as the sign of the opening of the Seal, and the appointing of the 7 angels who are to sound the various epochs, bringing the old to end, and beginning to give us understanding of what’s good and of God, and enabling us to see the work of the Devil in the whole world, producing Pride and Wickedness, to be destroyed by fire or the oven.
The Loitz family and others have been produced in these past 29 years in the dust of the earth, while they were getting honey and milk from the source Jesus got it and I got it, though I knew it not, but could always know what was of God and what was of the Devil. I was awakened, my eyes and ears opened to see, feel and know the vanity of all that I had lived for and by, and the privilege, right and opportunity of letting God speak His words to anyone anywhere in my reach. I left all and was relieved when I found nothing behind to hinder or harass me. I can still recall the feeling of joy and liberty as I locked the door of which had been my home, and since have never had another.
Jesus’ mother and family and neighbors thought Jesus had gone mad and tried to take Him by force home to Nazareth; showing the wonderful power of self-saving flesh and blood, to resist anyone who dare do what He did in letting the Spirit of the Lord get control of their life in sacrificial service in the regeneration of men and women, who sleep on in the dust of the earth till they waken when too late. What joy Jesus had on the cross when He saw His Mother homeless - they all had followed Him. So He asked John to give her a home. What joy it would give me to find out that my loved ones had followed me, in contrast to sleeping in the dust of the earth till death opened their eyes, and what joy it would give me and all who in Heaven look at the day of vengeance being on the earth, for all who ever were willing to be His sacrificial servants from Abel to the last on the earth.
“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life,” and God so loved the world that He gave the Apostles in whom Jesus had come to live, that men might know Him by their being His mouth. “How shall they believe on Him without a Preacher,” and how can they preach except the Father, Son, and Spirit in them, sends them to be, live, say and do as He did. What shall it profit a man if he gain all the dust of the earth, and lose the opportunity of doing as Jesus and the Apostles did, that men might get Eternal Life through them. “Whom shall I send, and who will go for US.” “Here am I, send me,” is just as loud and personal as it was in Isaiah’s case.
And the joy of Heaven today is to know that 144,000 will hear the call and come from the 4 corners of the earth to be Apostles of the Everlasting Gospel to the whole world. This is the New Thing - the New Heaven and New Earth, and what Revelation given by God to Jesus, and Jesus to John, to be read to those who will hear for the time is now on since the Harvest day has come, as we see by what’s happening in Italy, Europe and the whole world, creating thirst for the living waters by the lips of those who are willing to leave all in doing the will of God as Jesus did and taught others to do in all the world.
So our probationary 29 years has ended, and now we awaken from the dust of the earth sleep - drowsy no doubt after such a long sleep - to become the Apostles of the New Order and Pattern in all things of those who are to stand before the Son of Man. And the saddest words ever penned or spoken by the Spirit is that some will awaken to everlasting shame and contempt, while the wise who can’t be Apostles will shine as the firmament, and they who turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever. These are His jewels for the foundation of the New Jerusalem, and the Doors or Gates by which people enter into the New Jerusalem, let down from God out of Heaven.
What Jesus did and taught the Apostles to do and be is a good guide to all who truly purpose to bring all the tithes, so often promised, and now to be fulfilled with true sacrifice which He can accept. Common clay vessels filled with water will become wine when poured out, or drawn out. This is the Bride He wants now and forever. Those who only have ears to hear can find plenty to say “Come” to. But no trifling.
Wm. Irvine
William Irvine's Letter to Edwards' and Co.

August 18, 1943
My dear Edwards' and Co.
Thanks for yours and others. Twenty -nine years ago today, according to Jewish time and 9th of Ab, since England entered the war of 1914-to 1918, which was proof of the seventh seal being opened in Heaven, and the seven angels prepared to sound the various epochs of the beginning of sorrows, or the judgment of the nations, and now we have entered the sixth angel period, and the great day of harvest or tribulation for nations and every man according to his works.
What Pilate and Herod gave Jesus seems a guide to what the Roman Empire is getting. The Allies have robbed them of their colonial possessions, and Hitler has robbed them of their freedom of action. The crown is more like a crown of thorns, and the royal robe a mockery. Mt. Etna is like a monument of their weakness, and power of His wrath; "Burning and fuel of fire" are very manifest on land, sea and air, which He said would mark His wrath on the earth.
Daniel 12 is a very complete outline, --Michael standing up for those whose names are written in the Book in Heaven, as in Mal.3, while a time of trouble such as never was and never will be again, to awaken some from the sleep in the dust of the earth. He had 29 years of it, while the cup was being filled to the brim and ripe for the judgment. It ripened Him also for the part he was to play in changing the Gospel over from Jew to Gentile, and now we are at the end of days.
The reading of Revelation has been the meat in due season for the calves of the stall who go forth and give to the world, prepared of God or either Life or Death. The leaves of the tree are to be living green leaves, and the fruit plentiful for all who care to eat and live. "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last," so what He did in the Alpha days is prophetic and guidance for what He wants to do and be in those who let Him live out His life in their flesh today. What He got in the home town and synagogue is a sample of what we expect to see to those who awaken out of the 29-year dust sleep. He went to the mountain to find out what the Devil had to offer. The change from living by bread alone in contrast to the words of God from their mouths by which they lived, as they offered the bread and water from Heaven to all who were hungry and thirsty. The Devil's offer of place and popularity had no charm for Him, only to worship and serve the Lord God--nor had He any ear for the presumptuous bombast, but the humble, useful way of meeting the needs of men in the conditions He found amongst the victims of their pride and wickedness.
John the Baptist had been preparing disciples, and He went down to be baptized of him, and the Spirit came on Him in the form of a dove, and John said "Behold (ye who have eyes to see), the Lamb of God." John and Andrew went home with Him, and the next day reported, "We have found the man with the anointing of God." So He chose some others and went up with them to Capernaum and Bethsaida and got some others (half were far out relatives), six of whom were at the wedding at Cana of Galilee. The six water pots filled to the brim to become wine or life-giving waters as it was poured out, and was much better than all the wedding guests had at the celebration of the humans who were asleep in the dust of the earth, or all they could be in Adam; while God was awakening some to Everlasting Life to shine as the firmament and others to turn many to righteousness, such as Jesus was revealing in the new Life of sacrifice He revealed in what He did, and how clean He did it. He did not trouble about Nazareth , for a prophet is not in honor who sacrifices all that's human to be a living acceptable offering, giving his life as sacrifice to redeem many from the dust of the earth.
The anointing of God is much more sure and effective amongst strangers than amongst those who have only known us (in our sleeping in the dust of the earth days.) God has not forgotten our vows and promises of 40 years, and so we can be sure of an opened heaven when we give Him a chance to reveal the world-wide possibilities of Jesus in His Omega work, in the harvest days for friends and enemies of His; Michael standing up for the seed of Daniel whose names are written in Heaven.
You can read Rev. 12 and see the conflict in Jerusalem . Whatever you do, do it so that you will be a guide and leader to the 144,000 who are to be from the ends of the earth. He is on the Throne as Wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. His Spirit in US will work out all the pleasure of God in us and by us in many.
Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
August 28, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for the many letters, all enjoying the feasts. Jesus couples J. Baptist with the Least of these His Brethren, who seem to be doing the work of preparing the way of the Lord, or those who were being prepared as the Bride or Apostles of the Omega Gospel, which seems to be the greatest day of salvation given, while wrath is working out vengeance. Jesus had been for 29 years hearing, seeing, and tasting conditions, but had no power to do anything to change them till He was compelled to see the need for arising from the Sleep in the Dust of the Earth, as did Isaiah; and when willing to leave all that was human and go forth, He found the Spirit of the Lord upon and by Him. John’s disciples recognized the anointing He had and so became His disciples, leaving all they had been spending their time and strength on, to become the Bride of the Bridegroom, to spend and be spent in God’s service in giving their lives for the ransom of many of the victims; and that’s where we have been these past 29 years; as He was in His humanity limited, so have we, for it’s our human ties and responsibilities which stand in the way, and He shows the only way is to get free and fully fit for all God can do in and by us as the Apostles of the New Everlasting Gospel, who are to show the calves of the stall how to go forth and grow up.
Go forth and grow up, in proof that we are His Brethren who have opened the door and let Him in to sup with us, and now we to sup with Him in the life of Sacrifice which began in Him and others going forth to those who were the victims of the conditions. In the Alpha World and now in the Omega World, He is living in us to deliver many who are ripe, but know nothing of His truth and power to save them. Our 29 years in the dust of the earth should have convinced us of our inability to do such work.
If we had 5 talents in the Alpha Days and gained other 5 in Omega Days, and the one added of the one talent people - “Well done good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful in little, I will make thee ruler over much;” both for the 10 and 4 talent people. But surely that’s no excuse to sleep on in the dust of the earth, but rather to leave all and go forth, so as to be pattern and example to the great many who are to follow.
If Mary and the family had been able to hinder Him from leaving all, we would never have heard of Him or them. So action does not mean greater activity amongst the calves of the stall, but in giving the sacrifice that makes it possible for the hungry and thirsty to get their opportunity. Dan. 12, and Mal. 4, and Rev. 22 all point in this direction. So speed it up resolutely and be sure the promises can’t fail.
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
September 12, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
There can be no doubt about the Harvest Day having come. The Empire responsible for His death, and the other 12, and John’s time in Patmos is and has been, severely handled, and is still being crucified between two powers who are powerful to make that Empire which left its mark on the Holy Land and still its power here is quite active.
“Fear not thou worm Jacob, and ye few poor men of Israel, I will make you a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth,” - surely refers to Harvest work. The 24 around the Throne, - 12 from Abel to Jesus, and the 12 Apostles who were martyred, and John of Patmos with Matthew, Mark, Luke as the recorders will all be very active in seeing Judgment to every man and nation. They were and are God’s witnesses in Heaven.
Jesus’ 29 years of looking on as He lived His life asleep in the dust of the earth, compelled Him to decide to leave all, and so receive the anointing which was the beginning of sacrifice in His life, and in the others who were being prepared by John Baptist’s work in those who are now around the Throne. The 24 and 4 Gospels are all historical, but prophetic of the time of the end, or historical for Alpha, and prophetic of Omega Days. Jesus has left very clear the record of how He received the anointing of the spirit of the Lord and trifling with these clear marks of how to give our lives a ransom for others, is probably the surest interpretation of the words - Wicked Pride. If God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that men might find the same love create in us willingness to give our only begotten flesh and blood, as He did, and for the same purpose as we see in the 12 who showed by their actions they were willing to go through the fire, and become as the Brazen Serpent on a pole, as the only cure for those who were bitten by the fiery flying serpents which God sent amongst those who spoke against the Lord and Moses.
His anointing is only one end of the great work - His death as a criminal the other in revealing the conditions in which surely the fiery flying serpents have done their work; so the greater need for the Apostolic marks of the Apostle Prophet Evangelistic Pastors and Teachers, for there can be no other who can expect to have these marks. Speaking about Jesus and the Apostles; and using their names and words is just what the whole world does, when His purpose is to get simple, straight workers in the Apostolic way, as the mouthpiece of God to men, and we have a far greater Message in the words of the Prophecy of Revelation than ever known on the earth, with far greater promises and assurance than ever was given in other days. “Slaughter” is not a good word to apply to those who go forth and grow up for it’s the only way to save your life. The beginning is ours as it was His choice, and of all who left all to go forth, and grow up as we see they did.
I read the Acts of the Apostles and of those who proved loyal to them who could not go but were the brightness of the firmament in their loyalty to them who went forth to be those who “turn many to righteousness” who are to be the stars forever. Notice these words are written for the time of the end.
What an awakening there was in the Acts as they awoke to realize the possibilities in their lives for God and salvation of men, and that is only The Alpha, and now we are to have The Omega for the whole world. If the reading of Revelation by the Least of these His brothers has not made all see the possibilities in their lives, either in going forth or in their worthiness in being willing to receive such when they come their way.
Jesus told His disciples to inquire who was worthy in a town, and if they were worthy to stay there while doing His work, but not as a feeding place for calves who should be doing His work rather than loafing.
I enjoyed reading last 3 chapters of Acts. What a picture we have of an Apostle at 60 years on the way to Rome to lose his head by the Empire. See the testimony he bore before Agrippa, and on board the ship at Crete, and then at Malta and on to Rome. We forget that the Mediterranean Sea and its Coasts were where Paul and Co. did their best work, and now being honored in its Judgment.
Reading Luke 13 to 17 is like going to a Cinema to get entertained if you are not willing to be Apostles today as they were. People forget who they are, and only sleep and dream till they do as He did in leaving all; the Dust of the earth which we acquire in our 29 years of preparation for the greatest days in all history.
The washing of the Disciples’ feet was teaching them to watch over each other and walk in the Apostolic way, while everything else would only weaken.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
September 20, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till they all come to be one body. No apostle then no prophet, no apostles and prophets then no Gospel or evangelist, hence no pastor or teacher, for there are none to pastor or teach.
In Noah’s day for 120 years there was no Gospel, hence death reigning in the 80 million sons of God and daughters of men who had corrupted God’s (way) on the earth, which gives us some idea of where we have been these 29 years in preparing for the Omega Gospel days and witnessing to coming Judgment, now on the earth.
Moses learned the apostolic manner of life at the back of the desert in preparing him for leaving all as the slave servant of Jehovah the Lord, and when he dared to take wife and childman with him the Lord was angry and threatened to kill him, but found a way out for Moses in the two children he circumcised and she and they went back. He had left (all) when 80 and went into Egypt and found he was a prophet, where he had been registered as a murderer.
Notice in Isaiah 11 that he was speaking for the last days when wars would cease and when God would establish His Kingdom in Jerusalem. Isa. 40 shows John Baptist was sent to prepare the way of the Lord or prepare men in teaching them Austerity on how to get rid of the corrupting things in the dust of the earth. His food and clothing and etc., in the lowest part of the earth in contrast to Jerusalem. Bring down the high to His level, raise up the Low to His level, straighten out the crooked and smooth the roughness - 4 marks that make men unsuited to be apostles prepared to be baptised with the Spirit of the Lord as Jesus was when He left all to give His life a ransom for others. 3½ years after, you see them left with the commission and equipment to be and do as He had done to the whole world. This is prophesy now to be fulfilled in the Omega sense, when the stone is to grow and become a mountain and fill the whole earth as in Ps. 2 and Dan. 2 and Isa. 2. Jacob the worm and ye few men of Israel are to Thresh the mountains.
You can see how Jesus was very particular in the apostolic marks. Let the dead bury their dead, go thou, etc. He that putteth his hand to the plow and looking back is not fit for the kingdom. The Son of Man hath not where to lay His head. The washing of the apostles feet was to teach them to watch over each other in their apostolic mark. Not allowing the human to corrupt them in their manner of life even to death, and you can see how the apostles kept it up till martyrdom.
The Least of These His brethren’s work no doubt is to emphasize the hungry, thirsty, half-clad, homeless, sick and in prison marks, which is another way of saying apostolic.
A Sower went forth to sow and while men slept the Devil sowed tares and you saw what took place. So if we are awakened out of the dust of the earth and go forth and grow up as the calves of the stall, it’s needful to be careful of it being done as He did it in His body - now to let Him do it in our body in giving the Omega Gospel to the hungry, thirsty, perishing in the world. There is no other way, and it’s only a matter of trying to rob God and man to trifle with what He laid down His life for in the apostles that they might become true prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers; the ministry of God to those who are His body or to be His body.
I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father or can expect to be truly born of God any other way. If we make a straight path for Him in our lives, He will surely come in, if not, He can’t honor our feet, hands, and all we are and have, as He did in the Garden.
As you see the Roman Empire armies being scourged for 5000 miles, now being broken in pieces; iron and clay falling apart and the crown of thorns and royal robe become mockery as their Empire is being crucified between 2 thieves - one taking the Empire, the other their human rights and liberty. When He told them who He was and whom He would be in these days, they mocked Him, but the nations will learn to fear as the work of vengeance for the treatment they gave the apostolic ministry in any or all ages.
Shame and everlasting contempt is a terrible contrast with those who shine as the firmament in standing by and working with those who go forth to grow up in turning many to righteousness, with the righteousness He reveals in His giving His life and God giving His only begotten Son that people may be conformed to His Image, not in words but in deed and in truth.
Apostolic conditions as in Alpha Days will become more effective in Omega Days as He is allowed to live out His Apostolic self in those who are willing and able. This has been His objective in all the purifying, making white and trying of us that we might understand His will and purpose in us today as then. As you see the crucifixion chapter being avenged, so can we be sure that all the Gospel records are to become flesh and blood in His own flesh and blood. So there is plenty of scope for all who choose to be partakers with Him.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
September 26, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Ephesians 5:14 has a very definite meaning when we see it quoted from Isaiah 60. Arise, shine, for thy light is come and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and great darkness the people, but the Lord shall arise upon thee and His Glory shall be seen upon thee. Daniel 12 is very much the same; showing the effect of the dust of the earth, or human affairs filling our whole time and using all our strength.
The people that sat in darkness saw a great light, as Jesus and the Apostles left all and began to move amongst. If they had remained as they were the people would have seen nothing or even heard words which would have moved. John 1:51 is worth careful reading as it speaks of Hereafter ye shall see Heaven open and the angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man. John 2:4 shows Jesus was not yet conscious of the power upon Him, though His mother was expecting it to be manifested.
The Son of God put on a body by the virgin, and He taught His apostles that He would dwell in them and make them mansions of God and do the works He had done in wider measure. Rev. 3:20 may be putting emphasis on this fact. If we let Him in Spirit come and dwell in our human body and share it in doing the works, they can be sure of sharing His divine working in and with them. The SUN - not the SON - but sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings, and ye shall go forth and grow up, as those fed in the stall who only need exercise in these things to develop as did those whom John fed and Jesus led into apostolic, prophetic experience and work.
If Jesus as Omega has been growing up in you these 29 years past, and such great need in unsealing the words of the prophecy of Revelation, surely you have a wonderful opportunity and message if six of you can and will go forth as He and company did, and whose sacrificed lives put them around the Throne from which He is now controlling all that’s going on on the earth in avenging their death in proof of who He was, is, and ever shall be.
The apostolic method as He and company did it is a powerful witness against all that’s proud and wicked, and the marks He bore in His manner of life must ever be a source of great joy to Him and all around the Throne. And we can be perfectly sure that He will not withhold the fullest anointing possible to all who fulfill the conditions in the New Thing and the Harvest to be reaped.
Read Isaiah 60:3, 4, and 5, and see the promises never fulfilled before in all history, showing He has prepared the field for the unsealing of the words of the prophecy. The manner of life will keep off the proud and wicked, while it will attract the meek of the earth as you wander about speaking as He gives you utterance, with no pretentions to religious meetings. Though Jesus went into the Synagogues and every other place where there were victims to be delivered from the bondage they were in. Even His attitude to the temple may be useful.
Isa. 61 is very full of detail of the victory. Isa. 62 shows Him delighting in His Bride. Isa. 63 shows Him as the conqueror of His enemies. Isa. 64 the deep desire of the Bride in the opening of the Heavens and all it will mean. Isa. 65 reveals that the many who asked not for Him will be those who hear and behold Him in His grace and mercy and hearing their cry, in contrast to rebellious people who would not hear. You are well acquainted with Isa. 66.
Sufferers of any sort, anywhere, will prove to be the most receptive, for their suffering is but preparation for His grace and mercy, not to be had on the earth. Keep clear of discussion and give clear Scriptural proof of world war, famine, plagues, earthquake and hail, which will appeal to any honest man as more terrible than Noah’s flood and naturally compels people to ask what they can do and be.
My heart will be greatly rejoiced to hear that you have purposed to give Him a chance to lead you as He was led and led the disciples into giving deliverance to many by their apostolic ministry.
I have very sweet memories of a sower going forth to sow, though I little knew the conditions of the world; and look on it as His seal in the Devil sowing tares while men slept, and the final putting of leaven in three measures of meal to make impossible any true results by them.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
October 5, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and many others (95 in all) so there had been some delay, while He was busy attending to the Empire which put Him and the 12 apostles to death, who are now with Him around His Throne as the Lord of Hosts of all the world. John will be remembering the three dark years he had in Patmos as a slave, with only the comfort of being in the Spirit on the Lord’s day when Revelation came to him from God and Jesus by His angel. I wonder how he feels about it all now, when so much is taking place of what he wrote and now is the message for all who will open the door and let Him come in, as in Rev. 3:20, for there are millions who profess to believe in Him, but all outside of them in place of being in them as the Wonderful or full of wonders to all in revealing what we are to Him and what He wants to be to, and in, and by us to the gross darkness people of the world, because of their pride and wickedness, now under judgment.
Counsellor in us to give His wisdom to save us from our wisdom which is folly in His sight. The MIGHTY God to make all His counsels possible. The Everlasting Father who can never change even in our folly and willfulness. The Prince of Peace, whose zeal is to bring all His purpose on the whole earth and in each son or daughter in whom He dwells and sups. How different what we give Him and what He gives us.
Paul had been asleep in the dust of the earth as a Pharisee for 29 years, as Jesus and family had, and as we have been since 1914. No wonder in Eph. 5 he says, “Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light.” You notice he quotes from Isa. 60, but with the emphasis of his own experience on the way to Damascus. He was dead to all that was of God and alive to all that was of the Devil, so he looked on it as criminal. Mary the mother of Jesus body, in which the Son of God was to reveal Himself, was asleep to what the Son of God could and would be, busy with the dust of the earth in her family life, thought Jesus crazy when He awoke to the needs of the victims of the Devil possessed people. Mary did not think it criminal as Saul did, but crazy, from her babe knowledge of God’s will and purpose in her also, to which she became aware and followed to His death and her own.
John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare the apostolic people; some to be chosen as apostles who left all and went forth as and with Jesus to preach to one or a crown anywhere as providence led; others to stay home as worthy to receive and minister to them when they came around, living by every word that proceeded out of their mouth by God, in place of earning their bread in the sweat of their face, and such has been the work of Elijah in Mal. 4. But He dwells in all who have opened the door to let Him sup with them that they may sup with Him. There are babes and sucklings, others have grown up into the fullness of the stature in Christ, as Jesus had done in His 29 years in His home and family life as a carpenter, so you can see who are most likely to help others to go forth and grow up.
All who have chosen to do the will of God at any cost are apostolic, but apostles are those who leave all as in Matt., Mark, Luke and John 10, and so become the guide and leaders of those who will be baptised with the Spirit in measure to lead others to their Pentecost, which came in fullness at the end when they were to scatter to the ends of the earth, as the 144,000 will be.
The 10th chapter of each Gospel is worthy of careful reading. Mark 10 is very clear and emphatic, and 100 fold is promised to all who fulfill the simple conditions of leaving all that men so highly value for something they can’t see, but is the promise of the Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father from baby days to old age. Isaiah 60 is a very wonderful chapter and the introduction to what comes in 61, 62, 63, 64, 64, and 66, which is like the summing up of the whole in 66 as in Dan. 12, Mal. 4, and Rev. 22.
God’s only begotten Son in the womb of the virgin was given to show us what God will beget in us as we let Him in by His Spirit to sup with us and we with what He is and has to give. To know God and Jesus whom He sent is life eternal. John 17, His last message to the 12 before He sealed it by His own blood - the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
If we have been letting Him grow up in us in our 29 years asleep in the dust of the earth, seeing darkness and oppression spread over the world and we not able to do anything in our condition, it was all His grace and mercy being revealed, and now the day of awakening and arising from the dead to let Him manifest what He can do in and by us as He did to His disciples and apostles as a sample of what to expect in Omega days, when He is rewarding every man according to his works of letting Him in and letting Him show us what He is in us for, by His nature and God working in and by us, conforming us to the image of His Son. When you see all the weak marks in the disciples and the grace and mercy He gave them, they are but marks to encourage us to prove His new name as Wonderful, etc.
Peter’s wife’s mother got sick of a fever when she heard and saw Peter willing to go forth as the others, but the touch of His anointed hand healed her of her death sleep in the dust of the earth. If we are to end our witness by the great Pentecost which is to reach the ends of the earth, let’s begin hearty and well.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
October 17, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for 2 from you and many others. It’s good to feel and think of the feelings and thoughts of those 24 around the Throne, about all that’s going on. They have had a long time waiting, which teaches us patience and confidence and helps us to value Revelation as the program for the great changes to take place on the earth.
I expect the seed of Cain at the flood were full of confidence based on their work and the corrupting of His way on the earth. So the world today will be full of their own thoughts and ways which they don’t want or like to hear of changing for a new and better, from God’s standpoint. The old is to pass, for new Heaven and new earth is to come, wherein dwelleth righteousness, or controlled and wrought by God in and by those in whom He can dwell. We see what proud and wicked men delight in and have spread over the earth; evidence of what Cain seed have and always will do.
Stephen’s word reveal the two ways of being a temple; either like Stephen, flesh and blood who have opened the door to allow Jesus’ Spirit to come and dwell in them and they to share what He is and so become a temple for God to dwell in and do His work, as Stephen did. These words when men stood ready with stones in their hands and Saul in charge, “God dwelleth not in temples made by men’s hands,” but in temples He has made of flesh and blood; born of the Spirit and possessed of and used of God to do for others what has been done for them, in the same way and by the same truth and Apostolic life He lived in bringing men to the Father who alone can give this nature.
The new Heaven and new Earth is to be Apostolic, where He the Trinity is to create and propagate as the human propagates the human, and seeks to corrupt or humanize all they call God, as did Cain in his day, when he taught men to call on the name of the Lord while refusing to hear and obey God in all His ways, truth and life. The Apostolic Kingdom are all who choose to do and let the will of God be done in them and by them in sacrificial service; but how can it be done if we don’t have a Bride for the Spirit, separated from all human ties and influences, as Jesus revealed in His own life and work, and those of His Apostles.
Genesis 22 and Revelation read well together; the book of the beginning and the book of the end. Vs. 15-19 speaks of what is now to happen on the earth. Abram is type of the Bride, the Apostles of the new Everlasting Gospel; Isaac is the type of all who are willing to be sacrificed in service of God and man. Isaac carried the wood, type of humanity; Abram carried the fire and knife in his hand. Isaac said, “Here is the wood, but where is the sacrifice?” “God Himself shall provide a Lamb.” The faith of Abraham and confidence in God providing and protecting all who offer the offering of obedience, are provided and protected by the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.
Vs. 15-19 are worth memorizing. Note: “Because thou hast obeyed my voice.” It was a journey of 60 miles in 3 days, so they had plenty of time to consider the matter, which was between God, Abram and Isaac, and you can see it was prophetic for our day and the world. Vs. 15-19 read well with the same verses in Gen. 22. How light-footed and light-hearted was the 60 miles back to Beersheba in contrast to the 3 days journey, but Abram’s faith and obedience made it possible, and Isaac’s ignorance and innocence saved him. “Ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake. Fear not, not one hair of your anointed head shall perish.”
Isa. 41:10-15 and notice “Behold,” or see by the Spirit. In vs. 11 and 15, Fear not thou WORM Jacob, and ye few poor men of Israel, etc. “I will make thee a NEW sharp Threshing instrument, having teeth.” What a contrast the 2 statements are, NOT what we are, but what He can and will make them what He wants them to be and do. Ch. 22 ends with after these things he heard of his brother and family. Ch. 23, Sarah died (127) when Isaac was 36 or thereabouts, which helps us to see his age when he was bound on the altar. Abram was 137, getting old and thought of a bride for his only son Isaac, from the same stock and country he had left, but he did not want Isaac to go back, nor did he want a Caananite. Rebecca, the bride, is a wonderful study today; her grace in receiving the servant and company, and the care for all, shows the hospitable grace which marks all whom God will choose as the Bride, all they had was offered in service.
But the servant put his mission first; he wanted a bride for his master’s son, then the gifts came out of the bag. People forget this part; willing to give hospitality, ending in giving themselves. The whole of Ch. 24 is full of wonderful truth for these days, for it is all prophetic. Vs. 60, the wish for Rebecca, thousands of millions and possessing the gate of our enemies, and it was all supervised by the Angel of the Lord who went before them into a strange land they had never trod, in search of the bride who was to share the promise given to Abram and Isaac.
And Revelation is the program making prophecy history. How joyous it must be to Abram, Isaac and Jacob as they see it being fulfilled. The same Trinity as in Gen. 1:1-2-3, and in Rev. 22, God and Jesus on the Throne with the waters flowing, crystal clear, the servants bearing witness and giving gifts, ear rings and bracelets for the worthy bride, as she journeys into a NEW land and home to be made fruitful in fulfilling the promise given for obedience to the voice. Matt. 24 and Rev. 22 show where the tares are of The Testimony.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
November 9, 1943
P.O. Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Edwards & Co:
Thanks for yours and many others. It's good to find people begin to see the difference between the love OF God and love TO God for all His good gifts -- Count [sic] your blessings, name them one by one, so the more we get, and have the stronger our love TO God becomes, & is the mark of the whole religious world, and the wicked get proud of all they are and have as we see in the Pharisee -- "Thank God (I) am not as other men are etc." [sic] I fast and give tithes of all (I) possess, I am no adulterer or extortionist, nor am (I) like this publican." Such is the work of the Devil in deceiving men. My cat & dog love me because of the gifts they get, and obey my call. Flowers, fruit and the whole vegetable Kingdom respond to good treatment and give of their best in return for the care they get. This is the creature love which robs them of the "love OF God" which is the love in the Kingdom of God.
Love TO God was what made men despise, persecute, & kill the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles. The more love TO God they had, the more offended they were in those who had the love OF God, the same love controlling them in their attitude to the world around them is supplying what men need to know and be known of God, which is Life Eternal as manifested in the Body which the Son of God put on to make clear to men, or manifest so that others could partake of the same life and love which is OF God -- the giver of every good gift & perfect. Faith & Hope may make . . . know much and do wonders in our Service, but if the moving power is not the love of God shed abroad in our hearts, we can never hope to produce the same results in others. This is the key to reading Abel & Abraham's sacrifice [sic], and the test for all Apostolic service in doing the will of the Father -- that either in home life, or in Apostolic Service in the world.
The disciples were asking who would be greatest of the Kingdom, . . . they had faith & hope, but lacked charity or the willingness to be the Least rather than the Greatest. The Child in the midst had no thought but of obedience to the voice, and love OF God moving them. If the love OF God is not the moving power, it can never produce what pleases God, or accomplish in others what pleases God and makes Pentecost possible for the True Disciples in whom the hope for the world lies. "God SO loved the world that He gave his ONLY begotten Son that whosoever believeth or liveth by what He . . . should NOT perish but have Everlasting Life."
Lazarus is a good pattern for all who choose to find a place in Abram's bosom, and the human dogs who lick your sores is [sic] better company than the man inside the gate enjoying all the Devil and Satan seek to heap upon his perishing head, and it's a compliment to have him remember the dropping water from his pointing, . . . finger. "Whosoever will" is for the hearers, but also for those who choose service as Apostles. It's good to take comfort in that He who is the pattern for all who will serve the Lord as He did and is now on the Throne to encourage us to be fruitful in detail if we want to share the honor that comes from God only.
The washing of the Disciples feet and His warning words shows the care we should have over Apostles feet lest they get defiled in conforming to His way which He will honor in all who serve Him in giving their body that He may do His work as in His own body. Those who stay at home should be as much interested in those who go out as if they were out, seeking to save people from opening their eyes Hell when they have put of the clay and the spirit returns to God hopeless and helpless forever.
The marks given in 1st Cor. 13 of "Charity" is the personal equipment for all who will share in the anointing of the spirit of the Lord God, and are the Child-marks of Matt., so our personal daily . . . should be to let God perfect in us these marks. Our sins and iniquities can only be known to us as we walk in the light as He is in the light.
Rev. 1:3 -- "Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear and keep the words of this prophecy, when the time is at hand" or is come. No need to mention who is the Reader till people have found out by the Spirit and the Bride where the living waters flow from the Throne of God and the Lamb for all who are prepared by their own hunger and thirst to receive. Rev. 22 is very clear, that the program of his judgments on men and nations cannot be changed, taken from or added to. Avoid controversy and aim at unsealing the words of this prophecy which will solve the troubles, and happy are all they who can truly value and say, "Even so Come Lord Jesus." Places and personalities are lost in the fact of the spirit speaking living words thru those who are the Bride truly. Strangers in need of comfort and hope will respond most readily to the spirit's message given in the love of God, while the message is for "Whosoever will" it will find response in those who need it most.
The marks of Jesus at the well of Samaria, Nicodemus and the man at the pool give us very clear marks of who are most likely to be the Bride and the spirit working in and by them. Best to keep Him in mind in all we seek to do and be. Our condition has much to do with the results of our work. It's quite clear that in all He said and did it was in meeting the sore needs of people in distress, rather than appealing to the eyes and ears accustomed to . . . pride & wickedness had to offer.
The Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace, gives us scope for great possibilities, but He will expect us to honor Him rather than seek our own in thought, word or deed. I can only wish you His very best as you give Him your best.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Pages
November 20, 1943
My dear Pages & Company,
Thanks for quite a number of good letters and M. O.’s the measure of
your desire for my welfare as we near the feast of the world in Christmas
and New Year; while our feast is later on, on 7th and 8th, and maybe we
look for another feast day when the 3rd birthday comes and John, the medicine.
The Disciples of Jesus discussing who would be greatest, because of
their privileges (selfish in the things of God). He showed the better
way in becoming the Little Ones, and the Least of These His Brethren in
being the Least in the child He set in the midst as His choice. Matthew
18 is very good reading and comfort to all who are the Least and Little
Ones, and rebuke to all who feel big or try to feed their own conceit and
pride in what they are by His mercy, and grace, and love. And the
surest sign is the willingness and ability not to offend, and not be offended
in others. We owe more to Him than any other can owe us, so forgive
and never accuse or condemn your brother or sister; for we can only lose
the sweetness of His grace and mercy. Our sins and iniquities are
3 million in contrast with the 3 our brother may owe us. Read Matthew
18 before seeking to wash our brother or sister’s feet; and never put ashes
in the water, or cause pain in trying to help them.
Adam and Eve gave their sons the two experiences they had by the Serpent deceiving them, and the Voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day—the pattern for all apostolic service in any age, time, or place. Feed my lambs, sheep: Feed them. Shepherd my sheep (not goats); I will feed you, is the meaning of John 21.
Meek and lowly is the mark of having heard and obeyed what the spirit saith. The straight and narrow way ending in life, or being a partaker of His nature. The way of Baalim is to hear with our own selfish, deceitful and desperately wicked heart; and so the wide gate and broad way of our own selfish nature. Save ourselves, and seek our own in His name. This is Cain in all ages and the mark of scribe, Pharisee and hypocrite, or human imitation in His name, but lacking His spirit and nature. Jude’s Epistle shows it has worked through all ages, and in the days of the Apostles, had separated, as in Enoch’s day, Moses’ day, and to be to the end of the age and Judgment of all nations and every man; and is manifest in producing dogs, hogs, and goats, even where there are some sheep, and so the Virgins with and without oil in their vessels, and in the use made of the talents given. For without oil, we can never share His love, grace, and mercy; nor can we have it for others who need it most. The fruits of the Spirit must mark all our work if it’s to be accepted by God, the Trinity, so don’t let our selfish human nature rob us and our fellows who need it most. The responsibility is on us. He will look after us, even to the death, if truly we seek to save our brother, rather than save ourselves as did Cain and all the Cain, Baalim, and the accusing Korah, Dathan and Abiram seed, who perished as a warning to privileged people as in Noah’s and Enoch’s day.
Adam and Eve gave their two sons the same clear witness. First, how they were deceived by the serpent, then undeceived by the Voice of the Lord God, who always works in the apostolic way. The false apostle and prophet asks the people to come to him; the true apostle and prophet goes to the people who have been robbed, broken-hearted, by the thieves and robbers who climb up some other way.
The false use one day in seven, the true work in the cool of the day, every day of the seven. So apostolic service is at our door where we live, and to the ends of the earth to such as are willing to pay the price: sell all and leave all, and purchase the field—the world. Paul went further than any of the 12 Apostles. The false apostles and prophets worked in and on the churches to deceive, harass and rob them, as you find the most diabolic efforts in Cain against his anointed brother, who sought to save his brother from his delusion—own thoughts and ways. The Devil sowed tares where the Son of Man had sowed wheat; when the last crop is to be harvested, as we see now going on. The tares in bundles to burn, the wheat gathered out into the granary to be sowed again.
John 20 and 21 Gospel is very rich and full, showing what Jesus became through the resurrection; He, Lord on the throne, with all power in Heaven and Earth. Jesus said He would go before them into Galilee, so 7 of them went to their own houses expecting to see Jesus in Virgin Mary flesh as they had been accustomed with. But He did not come. Their money and heart failed, and Peter said, “I go a fishing.” But Jesus, as Lord, was there, not as they had known Him, but in a new form, and as He reveals Himself today in us, by His spirit coming to dwell in us; while as the unseen Lord, He watches over, for, and with us. First He appeared among them and asked them to see the print in His body put by the nails, etc. 2nd time, Thomas was present and would not believe till he had examined with his own hand, the wounds. Our flesh is very like Thomas, feeling and touch we rely on, rather than believing in His power and presence in us, with us, and for us as we seek Lamb’s care for the sheep, in our own efforts 2 by 2. What He was as the Lord to them, a fire, fish and bread, provided for them miraculously; which they had failed to get in the old fishing, sweat of their face way. This is apostolic.
Love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
November 28, 1943
P.O. Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for two from you and many others, all willing for action in their various ways, according to their ability in fishing for men as Jesus said He would teach Peter. "Follow me and I will make thee a fisher of men." Fishing for fish to feed himself was very different from catching men for God and Jesus by the Spirit, and you can see the battle the seven Apostles had to face in getting to see how real He could be, though gone by death but raised up to dwell in them and be with them to the ends of the earth. Shows the conflict between -- seeking our own bread in the old way, or the finding [of] bread by every word that God will speak by our mouths, as He had shown them by His leaving all to be the feet and mouth, bringing living words to men that they might escape what the rich man found when he opened his eyes in Hell to remember how he had missed the very purpose he was on the earth for [sic] -- to be the friend of God rather than His enemy, only seeking his own rather than things that would have been his eternally.
John's Gospel is a wonderful revealer of the details of His work in getting apostles, and in manifesting how He reached others and in the little marks which showed what He would be to all who let Him come to dwell in them, and work through them. After the busy day in being baptized by John the Baptist, He did not sleep much, the night John and Andrew come [sic] to his lodging, He found them and they found Him as the anointed of God. Then you see how He go the others through their witness, and recognized that Peter was a rock man in place of clay he had been. Nathaniel He saw under the tree, praying about the matter of Him being the Messiah, whom Philip had been telling him of. "Come and see," is very pat. [?]. See how Jesus encouraged him by saying, "Behold, an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile." Sincere, honest and true. "Believest thou? Thou shalt see greater things than these." Verse 51 is wonderful, for it may refer by "Hereafter" to the opening of the Heavens in John's coming and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man. "Thy will be done, they Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven."
There are many little touches in John I which show what He will be, in us and to us in our weakness and unbelief, both to us and to those whom He meets to help by us. You will find much to encourage you to expect Him in you to catch men and clear their vision and assure their hearts as to where He is and where He is not. Come home and hear, then go forth and witness -- shows how once convinced that He is in you and by you, can reach others. Come and see for yourself -- there were no miracles, but only the anointed speaking and meeting their needs. Shows what can be done in a good all-night talk, and its effects on the morrow through their witness. Then He went to Galilee and picked up Philip, and Philip brought Nathaniel. Then with 6 you find Him and Mother at the Wedding giving them a taste of the water turned to wine, which was the experience of the 6 who had found the anointed and shared in the anointing. Mary ceased to have any doubts, and was the 6th, but it was when they began to witness to Him as the anointed and so shared its power in them, and so the Bride and Bridegroom of the Kingdom. He went to Bethsaida and to Capernaum, and then with the few to Jerusalem to the Passover -- 6 -- strong, but to witness to Him.
John 3 shows the result in Jerusalem. You can see He did not spare the religious people in the Temple, revealing the courage and confidence in dealing out Judgment and witnessing against them, which reached Nicodemus, causing him to come at night and not be seen. Another all-night talk to Nicodemus in the presence of His 6 disciples, revealing the power of His witness to them in what happened to Nicodemus. How vivid was that talk that night to John even after 60 odd years when he wrote His Gospel, showing the power of anointed talk to meet the needs of others. This is the school of the Apostles, then and now, in fitting them to go and do otherwise.
You can see that what He did at the Temple had much to do with bringing him at night; so if we deal with the religious world, we may thereby find a hearing ear. John IV gives us some hints; after doing 40 miles He was weary and sat on the well edge, hungry for meat which the disciples knew very little of -- shows us the condition which may make us get someone. If hunger for souls is dominant, there will be many opportunities. You notice hunger and weariness, and no vessel to draw with, proved the opening opportunity. Two outcasts met at the well, very much like Orange and Roman Catholic spirit in conflict, and John no doubt choose [sic] this as a sample after 60 years' experience. "My meat is to do the will of My Father that sent me;" -- don't put it off and say "tomorrow," for it will never come. So do it today, as far as in us lies. Meat and want of sleep can be made up, but lost opportunity never can. This gives us the key to success, "Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him whilst He is near" in and by His anointed.
So don't miss any chance of delivering men on the spot. Ready hot, wise decision and action wins souls; so be prepared, always ready to serve God and man, rather than our own convenience. When we get an ear, aim at getting the heart and home, for a new one is very often more effective in getting others. People busy during day may be willing to hear more in the evening with other friends. The crucifixion record and what's happening in Italy is good to get ear. John 7 shows how to contact the outcast, despised and scandalized, using circumstance to His advantage, for it's only as He can dwell in and work by us, any result.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
December 18, 1943
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for many who show the stirring in the valley of death, and sleeping in the dust of the earth. “Son of Man, can these bones live? Lord thou knowest.” And He said, “Prophecy.” Tell them what I want to make, an exceeding great army, 144,000 on their feet with the flesh and bone He had for the great battle between Cain and Abe seed, ending in the 12 Tribes gathered from the ends of the earth, to become the 12 Gates of the New Jerusalem as in Rev. 21:3 - North, S. E. and W. The 12 foundations are the 12 Apostles of Alpha day now to become the new Jerusalem let down from God out of Heaven, or produced by Jesus as Omega by the 144,000.
So there are great things ahead which no man could create, but which is written and revealed for our foundation of Faith in believing Him, rather than all the hot air of men whose breath is in their nostrils. Note Isa. 2, last verse, which gives us warning of its danger. Some day we will be able to say how dry our bones were and our hope gone, as the result of the great day of judgment which began in 1914 and now the day of vengeance in 1943, as seen in Italy, now approaching the Eternal City, so called, but Rev. 21 gives us the New Jerusalem as the Eternal City and you can see its foundation in men whom the R. Empire put to death, and now the 144,000 who are being raised from the dust of the earth to shine as the firmament, and turn many to Righteousness by His Spirit.
Vs. 21 of Rev. 21 shows that the several gates are the pearls of the Pearl Truth sort, not the Alpha sort. Write, for these things are faithFULL and True. “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” First and Last. The one who produced the 12 is now the one who will produce the 144,000. “I will give unto him who is athirst of the water of life freely.” So if you feel thirsty for living waters to meet the needs of those you witness to, you can be sure of a plentiful supply from the fountain.
Vs. 7. “He that overcometh shall inherit all these things, I will be his God and he shall be my Son.” Vs. 8 shows what we may expect from many who have had a chance. Fearful, unbelieving, and all the other causes for refusing and missing the great possibilities, while only their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.
So you can see what you have to offer men and its contrast. So let your faith grow. Matt. 23 and its Woes is for all who take the Cain path or human imitation. Rev. 21 is for all who are part of His, raised from the dead army. So look ahead rather than back.
My love in Him to all who share in the battle of Abel in trying to save Cain,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Pages
December 20, 1943
My dear Pages and Co:
Thanks for quite a number of good letters and MO’s, the measure of your desire for my welfare as we near the feast of the world in Xmas and New Year, while our feast is later on on 7th and 8th and maybe we look for another feast day when the 3rd Birthday comes and John the medicine.
The disciples of Jesus were discussing who would be greatest, because of their privileges, shows how selfish we can be in the use of our privileges (selfish in the things of God). He showed the better way, in becoming the little ones and the Least of these His brethren in being the least in the child He set in the midst as His choice. Matt. 18 is very good reading and comfort to all who are the least and little ones, and rebuke to all who feel big or try to feed their own conceit and pride in what they are by His mercy and grace and love, and the surest sign is the willingness and ability not to offend and not be offended in others. We owe more to Him than any other can owe to us, so forgive and never accuse or condemn your brother or sister, for we can only lose the sweetness of His grace and mercy. Our sins and iniquities are 3 million in contrast with the 3 our brother may owe us. Read Matt. 18 before seeking to wash our brother or sister’s feet, and never put ashes in the water or cause pain in trying to help them.
Adam and Eve gave their sons the 2 experiences they had by the serpent in deceiving them and the voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, the pattern for all Apostolic service in any age or time or place.
Feed my lambs, sheep feed them. Shepherd my sheep - not Goats. I will feed you, is the meaning of John 21.
Meek and lowly is the mark of having heard and obeyed what the Spirit saith, the straight and narrow way ending in life or being a partaker of His nature. The opposite way is to hear with our own selfish, deceitful and desperately wicked heart, and so the wide gate and broad way of our own selfish nature. Save ourselves and seek our own in His name. This is Cain in all ages and the mark of Scribe, Pharisee and Hypocrite, or human imitation in His name but lacking His Spirit and nature. Jude’s Epistle shows it has worked through all ages, and in the days of the Apostles had separated as in Enoch’s day, Moses day, and to be to the end of the age and judgment to all nations and every man and is manifest in producing Dogs, Hogs, and Goats even where there are some sheep, and so the virgins with and without oil in their vessels, and in the use made of the Talents given. For without oil we can never share His love, grace and mercy, nor can we have it for others who need it most. The fruit of the Spirit must mark all our work if it’s to be accepted by God the Trinity, so don’t let our selfish human nature rob us and our fellows who need it most. The responsibility is on us. He will look after us even to the death if truly we seek to save our Brother rather than save ourselves as did Cain, all the Cain, Baalim, and the accusing Korah, Dathan and Abiram seed, who perished as a warning to privileged people and as in Noah’s and Enoch’s and our day.
Adam and Eve gave their 2 sons the same clear witness; first how they were deceived by the Serpent, then undeceived by the voice of the Lord God who always works in the Apostolic way. The false apostle and prophet asks the people to come to him, the true apostle and prophet goes to the people who have been robbed, broken-hearted by the thieves and robbers who climb up some other way.
The false use one day in seven, the true work in the cool of the day, every day of the seven, so Apostolic service is at our door where we live, and to the ends of the earth to such as are willing to pay the price, sell all and leave all and purchase the field - the world. Paul went further than any of the 12 Apostles. The false apostles and prophets worked in and on the churches to deceive, harass and rob them, as you find the most Diabolic efforts in Cain against his anointed brother who sought to save his brother from his delusion - own thoughts and ways. The Devil sowed tares where the son of man had sowed wheat, when the last crop is to be harvested as we see now going on. The tares in bundles to burn, the wheat gathered out into the granary to be sowed again.
John 20 and 21 Gospel is very rich and full, showing what Jesus became through the resurrection. He, Lord on the Throne with all power in Heaven and earth; Jesus said He would go before them into Galilee. So 7 of them to their own houses expecting to see Jesus in virgin Mary flesh as they had been accustomed with. But He did not come. Their money and heart failed and Peter said, I go afishing. But Jesus as Lord was there, not as they had known Him, but in a new, and as He reveals Himself today in us by His Spirit coming to dwell in us, while as the unseen Lord He watches over, for and with us. First He appeared among them and asked them to see the print in His body put by the nails, etc. 2nd time, Thomas was present and would not believe till he had examined with his own hand the wounds. Our flesh is very like Thomas, feeling and touch we rely on rather than believing in His power and presence in us, with us, and for us, as we seek lamb’s care for the sheep, in and by our own efforts 2 by 2. What He was as the Lord to them, a fire, fish and bread provided for them miraculously, which they had failed to get in the old fishing, sweat of their face way. This is Apostolic.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine