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1922 Index to
Letters Written by William Irvine
Revised Feb. 9, 2019


Dave - 6/10/1922
Skerritt, Bob - June 23, 1922

Skerritt, Bob - September 3, 1922
Skerritts - November 4, 1922
Skerritts - November 15, 1922
Skerritts - December 1, 1922
Dunbars - December 4, 1922
- It was all God and I from the first to last...God and I were the only shapers of the whole Way, Truth and Life which so many are so fond to claim as their own.
Adams, Mrs. - December 30, 1922

William Irvine’s Letter To:  Dave
Box 553 Post Office
Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Dave,

Was glad to see yours yesterday. But why you remain so Indifferent & Blind is hard to understand. When the Tribulation is upon you. Its not by seeing or waiting to see. Its by Faith alone that we can understand & escape the Wrath which is coming upon all men that dwell on the face of the Earth. Sam & you are like 2 wandering children Who are on the railway while the train is thundering towards them. This Innocence & Simplicity will not save them if they are where the Wrath is to fall.

You have your Wife & Family in danger as well as yourself. If you continue in Babylon, you will taste of the plauges as surely as you will be partaker of her sins. Babylon is fallen & become the Habitation of Devils & hold of every foul Spirit. A cage of every unclean & hateful. Where once the voice of God was heard through my lips. Faith cometh by hearing & hearing by the Word of God & you have had enough from my pen – to give you a chance. And it will be a swift witness against you if you suffer. You cannot have any vision if you don’t see Devil possessed Conditioning of the Whole Testimony.

If Babylon is fallen, then why should we get out of her my people. But she has & this is the message of God to the people of God for these days. If you find the Eastern peoples swarm over White Australia soon you will wonder what has happened to you, & you can be sure White Australia will be one of the first to suffer as the hatred of the Coloured East is Concentrated there.

I suppose the evening before the flood broke loose was just as quiet & calm as ever it could be. It's not by seeing that we can see the danger, its believing what God is Saying & Warning. We are just on the Eve of the 2nd Woe when the Whole East will rise against the West with such horrible results we can hardly believe it possible. You have seen how quick things have changed in the Near East during the past month & I expect they will change much more by the 11th Nov, the day Noah was told to enter the Ark. The signs which have been World Wide can only be seen & understood by Anointed Eyes & if they don’t put fear in your heart you are not likely to make preparation.

You will soon see the whole religious flounder & founder when they are overwhelmed by war famine pestilence & plagues & realise that God is not in them or with. But is in the Wrath which is coming on all Men who dwell on the face of the Earth. The false prophets will be looking for mouse holes to hide in from the wrath of the people they have deceived, they will not be so fond of trying to Convince people they are prophets when it will mean their death eve at the hands of their own flesh & Blood for having deceived them & led them to Death. Get out Dave as far as you know how & Witness to all you can to do the same plus you will save yourself & others from the Wrath which is at hand.

You will find the Spirit of God Set His Seal to this message & the stronger & clearer the more surely. You will soon find out that your bread & water will depend on this as well as your Salvation from Wrath. Then you will know why I am in Jerusalem & Why God separated me from the Testimony. This is no hysterical cry. But the voice of God to His own when the Wrath is about to break forth. You have heard the war trump this past month. But this is only preparatory to the louder sounds which will follow the world will settle down to sleep in its carnal security & the Testy has been giving you the Devils Draught to keep you asleep. But the time has come for either getting out & escaping or staying in to taste the Wrath which will spare no flock. I need not tell you that I expect the Testy to suffer more than the poor Blind World in as much as they have shown their wickedness more than others to me because of the Anointing which God gave me at the beginning & has increased during the past 8 years is about to drown by power to save & destroy as we see in Rev 11.

If my words can reach you there in offering you deliverance you can be sure the others will follow. Its God we are trifling with not man, only you will wish John at the bottom of the Sea & all who are with him in keeping you in darkness till you & your family perish in your simplicity. Read Prov 1 & realise it means you today & if you fail to hear & regard the out stretched hand. The Consequences will be all your own & no man can save you from it. You will either find yourself in the Ark of Safety through my witness or in the swelter of death by the influence of the Devil possessed Testimony only then will you realise the deliverance between me & my enemies.

Yours truly in Him,

Wm Irvine.

William Irvine’s Letter To:  Bob Skerritt
June 23, 1922

My dear Bob:

I was very pleased to hear from you and to know your whereabouts and goings since I last heard. Whatever your head suffered, your heart was alright and that is the main thing.

I have no doubt about the end of the battle and that is a great comfort. Many have been revealed in all their colors, and we don’t misjudge them when we put them where God put Cain. The many have always ended there, in spite of all their seeming righteousness.

I am glad you have got a good wife, for she will be a stay in trying times such as you must have and may still have, but I’m gladder today to be alone than I ever was, for then I can see all the clearer the issue of the conflict. It was wonderful to see what serpents many of them were when they thought they had a chance, and whatever their doom, we have no doubt about the nature of the beasts of the Zoo Jesus speaks of in Matt. 7. It’s wonderful how clear so many were on the ABC and how few seem to get the XYZ of the Message of Jesus; and the more they strive for the first, the blinder they seem to be to the end of the Message. I am sure you are well rid of such fellowship owing to the conflict you have had. Montana was W. Edward’s nursing ground when he was going through the mill. You will find him now at Box 110, St. Helens, Calif., and he has been a very loyal and true man to the things we contend for today. Just as many have proved serpents and scorpions. He will be glad to hear from you. There are a few at my hometown, New Zealand and in California who have been very loyal under trying conditions. But a few of the right sort are more than all the rubbish which the wind carries away.

World conditions are fast ripening for the final separation and destruction of all who have named His name and missed His nature. The war was only the first of the events which are to end in His coming back to reign with His Saints after all the wicked, holy people are destroyed. The whole Old and New Testament are filled with the same conditions we see in Eastern countries. The Prophets and Apostles were not killed by people who were outside, but like Cain and Abel who had the same blood and profession, and only at the end of days.

It was the Jews who killed the Prophets; it was the Church that killed the Apostles. When people get clear on a few of these matters all else is clear and the Book becomes a new Book, just as the wicked do wickedly and are blinded for their pains.

“His mercies endure forever” means that He was always on the side of the oppressed and weak, and we may be sure He won’t suffer because of the wickedness of the world in these the last days of the age. That we should have been so blind to these things so much and so long was only mete and in line with what was experiences of the Old and New Testament peoples. And only could our and their eyes be opened by experience, which is after all the true teacher and our never failing guide.

We can be sure that no seed of God will ever be found on the side of the persecutors, nor will we find it the other way. The Lamb seed suffering at the hands of the Zoo seed, Dog, Hog, Goat and Wolf and all in sheep’s clothing.

Matt 7 is a very clear exposition of the two seeds which will come out of the same Gospel and by the same Preacher, and our experience of the false Prophets outside has made it very easy for us to see the same marks inside and identify them. Their backing and setting is all pretty much the same. And the qualities they display are all pretty much the same. The description given in the Book of what conditions would be at the end is the surest possible proof that only God could have spoken such words. To prophesy in His name, do many mighty works, and go forth in His name, and yet be a worker of iniquity used to stump me, but they are sure marks of today’s work, and we don’t need to stumble when he reveals the secret of men’s hearts in regard to whether they went in by the strait gate or the wide. We don’t need have any hesitation for the marks are all there but iniquity is blind today as it always was and we can’t hope for them to see it. Many a time I could see that those who had least in their hearts had most outward appearances amongst men. But now we see it’s the age-long mark of all of that sort.

Am glad to hear that you are happy and comfortable. I stay in a room in Jerusalem and will stay here waiting for Rev. 11 to be fulfilled, and then we will see who are who and what is what.

Best love to self and wife,
Yours very truly in Him,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine’s Letter To: Bob Skerritt
September 3, 1922
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Bob:

Your letter and gift was just as kind, hearty and Christian as Eddies’ was proof of the wolf combing his wool to hide his teeth and claws; but we have no doubt about the end.  Matthew VII is a perfect guide to all the developments which we have seen take place these past years.  Many shall come, saying, “We prophesied in thy name, cast out devils, and done many wonderful works.  Then I shall say to them, “Depart from me, I never knew you.”  They will then be convinced; but not till then.  People who think doing the will of the Father can violate the Love of God, as revealed in Jesus, must be dead and blind.  They have judged, and are being judged.  They reject and cast out, accuse, despise, and scandalize.  Little do they think they are making the measure of what God is giving them.  They have been looking for motes in other’s eyes, while a log is in their own.

Matthew Verses 20-26 became very clear to me from the very first, though I little dreamed that they could have been so foolish and blind as to put themselves in the prison on account of their attitude to me.  Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou has paid the uttermost farthing, is not said of the good for nothing fool, but of the over-righteous brother who glorifies in his coming to the altar with his gifts, but they can never be accepted apart from the right attitude towards the one who may be the test.  There is an ocean of love and provision for a man and his sins, but there is no provision made for wickedness or iniquity.  If people go on in it, they shut the door on themselves, as the elder Brother and the Pharisee, and Cain, and Esau of their day did.

When I look back on all the attempts made to explain Psalm 1 and Psalm 32, it shows how blind the whole world in our day had become, and why the gospel had lost it’s power; and why the iniquity and wickedness, guile and hypocrisy of the end of the age had brought judgment, which began with the war in 1914.  I knew from the beginning of the war there was a close connection between what happened in The Testimony and the war, but it was only towards the end of the war that the Lord opened up Revelation and showed me Revelation VIII as a record of the war and the consequences which are to follow, or the 3 woes.  The 1st of which began at the Armistice and is still going on all over the world, as outlined in Revelation 9:1-12.  This gave me the key to the whole book of Revelation, which became as a program for the finishing up of the Gentile Age, and the old Heaven and Earth, and ending with a New Heaven and New Earth, with the Meek, or the manifestation of the Sons of God for which the whole creation is groaning today.

I’m glad to hear you say your heart responds to the crying need for judgment, for that is the attitude of the Saints and Prophets in Heaven, who cry,  “How long, O Lord, how long till thou avenge our blood on those who dwell on the face of the Earth?”   We have had 6,000 years of the wicked reigning as sons of God, and the marks of death to all who were the Anointed of God is the record of the wickedness.  This is what brought judgment on the Jews and will, also, the Gentile church.  It’s a nice finish to Revelation where it speaks in the last chapter:  "Even so, come Lord, Jesus; come quickly as you have revealed.”

How many lowly, lonely men have suffered as John and Paul suffered at the hands of those who had professed through them at the finish of their life work.  They had very few with them, or for them, at the finish.  But this was the proof that they had fought a good fight, and finished their course, and kept the faith.  Little did they know how much comfort their words would be to us, when they wrote the last epistles in the  N. T.  You can see the dark shadow growing as you read Paul’s Epistles, but what he wrote from prison to Timothy, Titus, and the Philippians makes it all very clear what the end must ever be for those who are the Called, chosen, and faithful Bride, or Elect, at the hands of the many who have professed and entered by the Wide Gate and Broad Way of human imitation, in place of God working and controlling them, which is truly a Straight Gate and Narrow Way, which few find.  I had no doubt for a good many years, that most work and Workers had very little of God working, and the deadness and formality of meetings and conventions was a great load that I tried to carry.  But when the end came, in some ways, it was a great relief and I have not one regret today.  It was a much bigger work than we thought we were doing, both to the world outside and The Testimony inside; and it will become more apparent as we see the next half of the judgment days manifest.

I expect the 2nd Woe—the great world war of a religious sort—develop out of the Turkish question and the Jewish return to Palestine.  The 2 Witnesses will also appear in Jerusalem and set up the Gospel of the Kingdom that is to be preached to all nations during this time, in power to save and destroy, by the 144,000, who are being sealed in their foreheads, or being made to recognize the Judgment Days have come, and so be prepared for the New Message and power of God, apart from the whole religious world.

Now, I won’t write more tonight.  I have not been too well the whole summer.  Live alone in my own hired house with dog and cat; do all my own chores, and reply to all the letters is get, and keep an eye on the world’s affairs in the press.  We don’t expect many to understand or appreciate either what it means for them, or for me, but my heart has no doubts or rears, but perfect confidence in Him whom we have tried to serve for 30 years. W. Edwards will be able to supply what I lack.

Yours thankfully, and truly, in Him,

William Irvine

P. S.  I was glad to hear that your sister has some provision for herself and children.  Jim Jardine was speaking to me very boastfully of Sam’s success in Montana and the next thing I heard, was he was dead.  There are many very sad stories could be told of many whom we know in The Testimony and the treatment many of them received at the hands of Workers.  Sounds very strange in name of Jesus, but every man’s work is to be tried.  Where there is no vision, the people perish and no man lays it to heart.  The first 15 Psalms makes a nice Bible read for these days, showing that David had much the same experiences we have today, when people try to read from the religious platform what was given from prison, rejection and the cross.  How blind it makes them, and no amount of reasoning or argument can appeal to them, any more than Jesus could appeal to the Chief Priests, Scribes, and Pharisees.  But to those who are perfected through the same kind of suffering, they are very sweet and precious.

I saw a doctor yesterday and he advised me to take some rest and change, so I may not write and read so much.  Looking back, it has been a long, hard, steady plod these past years, but the rest lies ahead; though now we need to consider what is wisest and best.  We are on the eve of a great war, and we feel it centering in the Near East.  You may get a read of the Arab Declaration of Policy.  The Turkish victory over the Greeks and the threat of France to vacate Syria in favor of the Turk pointing to the loosing of the 4 Angels which are bound in the great River Euphrates, reserved for an hour, day, month and year.

Psalm 2 gives you an outline of all that has, and is going on, as people seek to break the bands the Lord has bound nations with for their past wickedness.  He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh—the Lord is having them in derision.  Then, shall He speak to them in His wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure.  The Jews are getting very busy now, and the Arabs doing all they can to hinder.  The Jews will come and prevail because of the promise given to Abraham in 1921 B. C., or thereabout.  The Jews will show their power and appoint their President, the Antichrist of Revelation XIII.  USA and England will have the whole East to face, over the Palestine matter, and 1/3 part of men on the Earth will be slain in the conflict.  But Revelation XI is comforting, as we see the power of God manifested and spread over the Earth in the Everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom.  Our hearts will rejoice and we will forget the lean years, when the barren shall bear and the fruitful shall cease.

2nd Thessalonians 2 is good as showing the 2 periods of 3 ½ years of Tribulation, when the harvest of nations takes place.  The Falling Away Period is during the coming war, when the New Gospel will reveal their emptiness and Devil-possession.  Then, the Man of Sin, the Antichrist shall be revealed in the 2nd 3 ½ years of the Tribulation.  The 2nd Woe is the falling away period.  The Antichrist Period is the 3rd Woe.  The first is the judgment of the Gentile nations; the 2nd, the judgment of the Jews.  Then, He comes whose right it is to reign with His Bride from Heaven to gather those who are on the earth, and the Marriage of the Bride takes place after the Whore has been destroyed.  And so, we will have Revelation XXI-XXII literally fulfilled, and surely the old world will be a new place, when all that has triumphed in wickedness shall cease forever.

I notice Japan had three months drought and then floods beyond measure.  France had a terrific hail storm, which did much damage; reported to have had 2/1/2 feet of hail in some parts.  The signs have been world-wide these past 3 ½ years, and if people have not watched, it was their loss and seal of their blindness.

My love to your sister and children,

W. I.

William Irvine’s Letter To:  Skerritts
November 4, 1922
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Bob and Wife:

I was delighted today to have yours.  Glad you keep well and hope you will find market for your wheat.  I am feeling in pretty good shape these days.  Had a run to Joppa for a day, and had a look at the old city, much of which is built out of Sea Stones taken from the buildings which have been covered by the sea.  It is 2 parts Moslem Arab and 1 part Jew; meantime, they have no dealings with each other on political grounds, which makes it hard on the poor Arab people who have to depend a good deal on the Jew for work, etc.  The new suburb of Joppa, called Tel a Viv, is a Jewish colony, and here it’s growing just like a new beach town in USA on the Pacific.  They get about 800 to 1,000 new immigrants every month; 1/3 of these have money.  The others are dependent on labor and friends for their support.  Yesterday was kept as the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration 4 years ago of a national name for the Jews in Palestine.  It passed off quietly, but a year ago, we had 6 killed and a good many wounded, and some sent to jail for 10 years.

Everything is pointing to a terrible tangle in the Near East Conference, which begins on the 13th Nov., while the English election comes on the 15th.  These past days there has been quite a revolution of a bloodless sort in Italy; and the Conservative Soldier, Naval, and Monarchist elements have come into power as the Conservative in England.  The many questions to be discussed at Lausanne, and the new elements introduced by Russia, Turk, and others of the Moslem powers, will make it a very impossible tangle, most of which is directed against England.  The Turks (military) want to separate between the spiritual Caliphate power, and the temporal power of the sultan.  This has stirred up the Moslems all over.  The French threaten to get out of Syria, which will bring the Turks nearer Palestine.  Turks want to get Mosul in Mesopotamia and other 3 places in W. Thrace.  Very funny to see the Moslems want to control the Holy places they took by the sword.  They want 10 million for an oil concession in this district, which is now park of Irak, or Mesopotamia.  There is a treaty for 20 years, just published, between England and Irak  This is resented by the people who are clamouring for a king of their own choosing.  Everything England tries to do in the East is taboo.  The USA wants to see liberty for the minorities and protection, but don’t take part in the conference more than to hear all that’s going on.

England and France have been revealed as not one in purpose and policy, and they will miss Lloyd George, who has proved to be a very adroit Welshman in all the 14 past conferences held since Armistice Day.  You know that Armistice Day is the anniversary of the Day the Lord told Noah to prepare to enter the Ark--The 10th day of the 2nd month.  October is the 1st month of the Civil year, as April is the 1st month of the Sacred year; and so, we expect to see judgment come on the Earth as result of conditions in those fateful days.

I expect all the dates given in Noah’s record to play an important part, as they did in his day.  So now, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man.  Son of Man refers to the man who is of the Earth, anointed as one of the 2 Witnesses.  Noah was the Son of Man for his day, as Daniel and Ezekiel are called by the same name.  Jesus is called the Son of Man, as He was the Anointed of God in His day, and will come back as such to rule the Kingdom and world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  The Book is a record of a few men by whom God did His work in every age, and He must needs work on similar lines today.  The false apostles and prophets have always been on the Many side; while the Few have always been on the side of the Anointed of God, who is always the rejected of men, both at the beginning and at the end.  The Killing Seed are always in power.  The victims are those who are being chosen of God to come back and reign.

All the suffering of the Jews was because they rejected those whom God sent; and the judgments coming on all men who dwell on the face of the whole Earth, is because of their shedding of the blood of the Anointed.  The suffering of the so-called Christians in Turkey, in Asia, is very apt as showing that where the Gospel was first preached by the Apostles, is the first to suffer.  Almost every place mentioned in the Epistles is where the Christian people are being harried to death today in both Turkey and Greece.  “All they of Asia have forsaken me”; “at my first answer in Rome, no man stood by me.”  But God did not forsake him.  Now we see them crying to God, but He will not hear.

I am quite satisfied that Ireland got the best of the last Message of the Age, and have been the first to suffer.  And now, we see the first field of the Gospel to the Gentiles getting it’s answer.  This explains why the suffering of the Armenians and the Greeks, and what we see there, will become world-wide.  The 2 Witnesses and the 144,000 will be as the Ark of Safety for all men who are His on the Earth during the Tribulation Period, when He is destroying the Tares and gathering out a seed on the Earth for the Kingdom.  This is very different from the nonsense that is taught about the Rapture, etc., and is far more effective and God-like; for we are to have a table spread for our enemies.

Psalm 91 gives us a very clear outline of our experience during the Tribulation, and also, who will be under the Shadow of His Wings—those who are in the place where He can reveal His secrets.  The Bride, only, knoweth what the Bridegroom doeth.  The Harlot may know all about what He has done in other days.  Hebrews 11 is very clear on the fact, that the test of faith is not believing what has been revealed, but knowledge of what has not yet been made manifest.  The whole world may know what has been, but only those who are of God can know what is to come.  The “Purifying, making white and trying,” that we may understand, is in opposition to those who do wickedly and shall not understand (Daniel 12); and we can see that those who have suffered most will see most clearly, and the more wicked; the more blind.  Isaiah 55 shows us whom we may expect to have an ear for the Gospel which is coming—those who thirst, and are hungry and dissatisfied, having spent themselves all in vain, and when they give ear, they shall live; but it will mean forsaking their wicked ways and unrighteous thoughts about those whom God has honored.  Don’t be surprised at all the dog and Hog treatment your pearls will get, or at the rending which will come back as their reply.  These are only the proofs.  Pearls is the truth we get as the result of our suffering at the hands of our wicked brethren; and you can see how it reveals both them and us.

The unsearchable riches you speak of reminds us that no man can, by searching, find what God, alone, can reveal by His Spirit; and so, all violence can only shut the door in their own faces.  It was only at the end of days that Cain and Abel could be made manifest, and only at the end of the day of Jesus Christ, can it become clear who are the Tares and who are the Wheat.  The Sheep versus the Goats—those who have been only human imitators and hypocrites.  Those who become great in their own and other’s eyes are surely doomed, while there can be no hope for those who have entered by the side gate of human imitation.  John shows us how people may be born of blood, or the flesh, or the will of man, but only those who are born of God can be partakers in the things of the Kingdom of God.

The 7 parables of Matthew XIII give us a clear outline of both possibilities.  The Sower is the son of Man, the Anointed of God of any age.  The Seed is the words of Eternal Life -- God-spoken, which can’t be got from any other source.  Gospel is God speaking, not the reading of the record of what has been spoken.  The soils show what men can do with it and how it may become useless, or useful, just as men value it.  And we see how much depends on the attitude to the man through whom God has spoken.  “Will ye also go away?”  Peter said to whom? “Thou alone hast the words of life.”

Poor Emma little realizes what a hopeless plight they are in now; and though they recognize things are not as they once were, they fail to see that where God once spoke and manifested Himself to them in grace and mercy, has now become the habitation of devils, a hold of every foul spirit, a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.  Revelation VIII:1-7 is an exact description of their miserable condition.  And the danger Is very real to those who won’t come out of Babylon.  All their attempts to justify their wickedness is only proof of their uneasiness.  I’m very sure they would feel very uncomfortable, if I was going to any of their conventions, even if I never opened my mouth. For they always knew, I knew their Godlessness better than any other; and I never was much deceived in most of them, though I always held out some hope for all of them, and often wondered why they were so long, and so far from having the seal of God.

In Ancona, in Italy, they had an earthquake the other day at the same hour and day as they had the same a year ago.  Many come in His name saying, “Lo, here; and Lo, there, pretending that God is working in their midst, but I believe the only thing the Spirit of God has been doing these 8 years is witness to Jesus being on the Throne to judge the world.  He must have ceased from His work of intercession ere He took the Throne as Judge, as recorded in Revelation IV.  The Spirit would also cease His work of interceding on the Earth and become the witness of what Jesus is now doing.  I have noticed that all who are willing to witness to judgment, begin to see and to find the Spirit work in them and with them as before.  This I learned by my own experience before I saw it clear in the book.  People who never had known the Spirit working in, and speaking by them, could not know the difference, and so can go on with their imitation and repetition, producing proselytes by the dead works and forms of truth.  The fruit of which is two-fold the child of Hell than themselves, in the sense that they never had a chance of hearing God speak or being in meetings where His presence was known.  Hence, the more fruit without God, the more delusion and the more room for hatred, bitterness, scandal, evil speaking, thinking and every evil work.

But what comfort it brings to us, is only the working out of His plan in finishing the old Heaven and Earth in preparation for the New Heaven and Earth and the coming of the Meek to inherit the Earth of which they were disinherited and made Pilgrims and Strangers, as all their fathers were.  How could we be accepted today, and them also?

Best love and wishes to both in Him
William Irvine

William Irvine’s Letter To:  Skerritts
November 15, 1922
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Bob and Wife:

I suppose you will have the beginning of Winter weather in Montana by this time.  Willie sent me on yours to him, all of which bears the marks of sincerity and true experience for these days.  What the Cain Seed would blame on you, are only the marks which reveals the difference between them and you.  Why people should be so blind as to choose the human weakness of a man as a reason for rejecting what is of God, and the seal of our sonship and Service, can only be explained by Cain and Abel.  The real cause is the deep down, hidden envy of those who have the seal of God.  I believe this to be the most deep-rooted of all the causes for difference.  Cain must have found sufficient ground in Abel for being angry and killing him.  Jesus was not killed as a good, orthodox man, but as the chief of 3 sinners crucified together.  A sinner can’t open the eyes of the blind, and Jesus was the most hopeless of all sinners in their eyes—a child of fornication; a bastard, cut off from all hope of any part in the Kingdom or service of God.

Simon the Pharisee’s silence in the presence of the Woman kissing His feet:  What a contrast between the Woman, who had got the Waters of Life from His lips, in contrast with the self-righteous, self-seeking Pharisee who could only stumble over the proof of their being the anointed of God.

The Woman at the Well of Samaria recognized who He was in a few minutes.  The Blind Man said a sinner could not open the eyes of the blind.  The more people claimed the blessing of God through Him, the more it stirred up their hatred, because Moses had said a bastard was not to be found in the service of God.  The first recorded instance of the power of God being manifested, was in Cana of Galilee, turning water into wine—50 gallons of it; and it was better than what they had been using.  How does this strike the Pharisee prohibitionists of our day? This was done to reveal the hearts of the Cain Seed then, as now. Prohibition is one of the sure marks of devil possession.  Especially when it is coupled up with Christian profession.  If the lying and scandal of the Pharisees could make the Disciples almost wonder whether He was the Son of God, after all, when on the Mt. of Transfiguration--why did God say, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him."

Was this not the answer to the anguished cry of the 3 best Disciples in the hour when God had allowed the enemy to shut every door and leave Him and His Disciples without money, food and shelter?  The 9 at the foot of the Mount had least heart and could not be trusted, even to go up the mount, where their doubting hearts could be assured by what they heard and saw.  In Jerusalem, that same night and hour, the enemy were having an all night sitting of condemnation and testimony to the lying witnesses, and more lying interpretation of Moses’ words.  When they were heaping filth on His name, God was making His face to shine and His garments to glisten.  When they were saying, “This man’s mouth must be stopped, if by death—better one man die than the whole nation be destroyed.” When they were quoting Moses and Elijah in proof of death being permissible by the sword of those who were false prophets, Moses and Elias came down to talk with Him about the decease which had been determined upon Him.  How can we think or feel that the anointed of God are dead or asleep, when we see Moses and Elias alive to the hatred of men being wrought out against the anointed of God.  If Jesus was interested in the death of Stephen, is He asleep to what we have gone through these years?

No, Bob, all the Anointed of God, in very age, have suffered for their supposed sins at the hands of those who were sinless in their own and other’s eyes, but who were such as God could not anoint or accept, no matter how much fruit of the ground they brought.  They were wrong on the sin question, as all the Devil-possessed Seed have ever been.

How could the Sin Bearer Seed ever become the accusers of the Anointed of God for their sins?  How could an unregenerate ever forgive sins, real or imaginary, in the anointed of God, when they are found in the same old trap God has set for all the unregenerate professors?  Cain, Ham, Esau and all who have ever been privileged to be associated in life, work, and worship with those in whom God was working out the good pleasure of His will.  Why did all they of Asia forsake Paul?  Or why did they clamor for John to be cast into a tank of boiling oil?  For his defense of the sinners in the churches.

Job had to learn the value of the Blood at the end of his life, when his nearest friends had only condemnation and accusation.  It was God’s way of giving him full proof of the difference between Satan and Himself. He had heard all about God and the Devil by the hearing of the ear, but experience had opened his eyes so that he could see. Moses found its value, when as a murderer, he fled from Egypt and was afraid to go back for 40 years; yet that same God appeared to him and sent him back as his ambassador.

Noah was only perfected by his drunk in finding that God was in him, even when he awoke from his drunken sleep and cursed Ham, so that his child was born black.

 Jacob learned the value of the blood at Bethel, when the Lord appeared to him, when he was fleeing as a transgressor from the wrath of his brother and the home of his childhood, with no prospect but being a stranger in a strange land—a fugitive and a vagabond.  But the Lord said He would be with him wherever he went and bring him to his father’s house in peace.  How can we know the depth and fullness of the Lord, our God, the power and value of His Blood shed for us, and the fellowship and comfort of the Holy Ghost, till we have by our own action transgressed and was to feel the power and hatred of our Devil possessed fellows in worship and service, even to our own family circle, as we see in Abel, Noah, Jacob and Job.  Job’s wife told him to curse God and die.  David’s sin produced the sweetest notes found in the Psalms and deepened his knowledge of both God and man and gave him understanding of the Devil-possessed hearts, who had come and gone from the place of the Holy, and sat with him at the table, and taken sweet council together with Him.  But what a revelation to find them capable of doing all the work of the Devil--Absalom and Co. even trying to take his throne!

We are not being perfected as ornamental nobodies in the family of service of the eternal God, but perfected in likeness to Him who is the friend of Sinners--the Redeemer of a lost world. I often enjoy looking at the many worlds that will someday have a human family and a Redeemer, chosen from amongst men and perfected to do over again, the work God has, by His own Son, done in this world.  The old Book is only a record of what will be repeated in every star in the heavens. And it will all add to His glory and honor that He should have been able to do by us such wonderful things, knowing as we do, what we were in Adam.

What you find on the other side of the first 5 pages of this letter are a few thoughts, which I penned for a friend who is to propose the toast of St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland, at a dinner on Nov. 30th.

Much love and best wishes for self and wife.  Things are looking well for our early redemption.

Yours truly in Him,

William Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter to Robert Skerritt
December 1, 1922

PO Bod 553
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Bob and Wife:

W.E. sent me on yours which I was glad to have. I think it wise to sit tight where you are with your stock and cows, meantime, as we can't be far from the beginning of the 2nd Woe now. They made War for 4 years, 3-1/2 ______. They have been making "peace and safety" over 4 years now and it's quite likely this period may last the same length as the war, as we see the 2 periods in the Tribulation are to be 3-1/2 years each, 42 months, 1260 days, so that we can't make any mistake about it. There is no way of knowing the length of the 1st Woe. Watch the signs is all that is given so far as I can see. The signs today all point to the loosing of the angels in the great river Euphrates – prepared for an hour, day, month and year. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is Armistice day. The year is probably from the year that Abram got the promise of the Land. If you look up you will find it about 1923 B.C. as we see 1923 the probable year in which it will be fulfilled.

The Mandate for Palestine was ratified the same day the Turks entered Syria, which was the beginning of this present condition, which is to finish "Peace and Safety" the late war. If these things had been as clearly given as the dates and marks of Tribulation, there would have been no exercise or watch for anyone, and the wicked could have seen them as well as the just. But they have been so wrought that only those who were Anointed could see and all others are blind and working with all their might for peace and safety, and God's seed in Heaven and on earth are crying for vengeance on the killing seed who dwell on the face of the whole earth.

It's 3 years past on 28th Nov. since I arrived in Jerusalem and what a time it has been in preparing me for the work which I believe lies ahead. What sense would it have been to put an iron rod in my hand if I had not known who to spare and who to give it to, but I feel well able today. For these past 30 years have given me much chance of finding out who are the killing seed and who are the killed. War, famine, pestilence are for the world people, but plagues of Rev. XI and XVI are for those who are the professed people of God, but who are devil possessed. The first 5 plagues is for the first 3-1/2 years of Tribulation, and they are in the hands of the 2 Witnesses to put on as often as they will.

First plague is noisome and grievous disease, type of what the Leaders have put on others thro their wickedness. They are to get two-fold what they have given us or desired to give us. They will live and be tormented by it before the eyes of those they have deceived.

The second plague. Their blood is to become as the blood of dead men, God showing what they are. Love, Life and Light are the marks of God in men. This they have been the destroyers of, and they will have the physical marks of death when the head ceases to control. Heat in the lungs ceases. The blood coagulates in the heart and chokes its action. Light of every kind ceases to be possible. This is what we have seen in The Testimony. This has been produced by the wicked leaders who never had the Love of God shed abroad in their hearts. They received the truth but were not such as God could work in by His Spirit. These 2 plagues will give their victims a chance, and it could not come in any other way, owing to the hardness of their hearts and the bondage in which the people have been put as in Moses' day. The plagues were all physical.

The 3rd plague is water turned to blood to convince them of the way they had acted in the matter of the Truth. They changed the living waters into blood of their own human imitation and use of what was of God. This is the result of all who are born of the flesh, the will of man and blood and not by the will of God. It's the wide gate of human imitation rather than the strait gate of God's Revelation. If people profess and don't truly give themselves up to doing the will of God, He can't work in them and so are not regenerated and can't be sealed by having the Love of God shed abroad in their hearts. The consequence is they become killers of all who are the seed of God, as Goat, Dog, Hog and Wolf are the devourers of sheep and the consequences are greater in either the wolf or false prophet, who hides in sheep's wool his ravening nature.

The 4th plague is the sun scorching men, the effects of light without Grace and Mercy. All light (without love and life) can only destroy. This is where our friends are at the end of days. This is the mark of tares. They have all the outward with no inward change, only the old human nature interpreting the truth as it is in Jesus, as the Pharisees did of Moses. They sat in Moses' seat and said what Moses said, but God was not in them; hence they killed the Son of God in name of Moses (according to or by the use of the Scriptures). So did Cain, Esau, Ham, the 'Ites' of the land. The Philistines, Saul of the old and N.T. Matt. VII, shows the 2 seeds and how they work out, excelling in the outward but having no inward. The house on the sand is human imitation.. The house on the rock is beginning by letting God work in, with and by. The 3 things go together and reveal each other.

The 5th plague is darkness, to convince people the light they had was darkness. You notice the 1st plague people and the 5th are revealed together. They gnawed their tongue for pain and said it was the work of the Devil – the doing of these things because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. They were very anxious to give others pains and sores by their tongues; now they are getting two-fold what they gave and have no comfort such as we have had when they tried to make us suffer.

The last 2 plagues is for the finish of Tribulation and is connected with the over-throw of both Jew and Gentiles who have resisted the Everlasting Gospel to the bitter end.

I enjoyed giving Willie a little on Jacob last week, which I expect you will get a read of. Your mention of J. Freeman and Isaac gives me a little on Isaac. Why did Isaac and Rebekah, Esau and Jacob, do all these things which, to blind eyes, are so shady? It was all to reveal the secrets of the hearts of Esau and Jacob. God was working by Providence as He always does to make manifest the two seeds when they were in the womb. Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated. This has been true of the womb of Creation. He loves those whose life possibility is that of being conformed to the Image of His son. He hates the other who use all the same privileges to make them Esau-like or those whom God can't bless.

See how Isaac recognized God in what had happened (after it had happened) tho he did not see it while it was happening. I have blessed Jacob and he shall be blessed. You see that Isaac was both in the flesh and in the Spirit, as revealed by his attitude to Esau and Jacob, but his choice was preference for the Spirit. Esau's strength and opportunity made him the first born. There was striving in the womb. It's the greater strength and self-seeking which makes it impossible for God to work in men; they are so strong and fortunate in their lives that God never can make them sinners of the kind which gives God his opportunity.. Jacob the weaker coming 2 nd with his hand clasping his brothers foot (hot his head). Speaks of the weakness and their leastness or_________ which causes men to feel there is no hope for them in man and so are prepared for God to work. The very weaknesses which handicap us as sinners, only is God's opportunity. You see this in Esau having a birth-right to sell and Jacob having one to buy.

The first in Adam shall be last and least. First in Christ. Adamic righteousness and superiority in the field, satisfaction with what we are is fatal in the matter of what we may be made. The Devil angels fell by their pride and iniquity, in other words, they were so pleased with what they were they could have no desire for what God had for them. This touches the reason why so many enter by the wide gate and walk in the broad way and so few enter by the strait gate and walk in the narrow way, ending in death to the Adamic imitator and life to the Christed-revelator. The Adamic imitator will always climb up, just as surely as the Christed will climb down in spite of himself.

The more people have in Adam the less likely are they to find their all in God. What Esau thot he had and yet lost because Jacob knew he did not have it; but had no desire for it. See how God's Providence worked in making Jacob the supplanter, to supplant Adam by Christ is the problem of all God's creation, but it must be done in the heart ere God reveals it in the opportunities given in Providence. God was revealing the secrets of Esau and Jacob's hearts in the selling and buying of the birthright, also in the loosing and getting the Blessing. See how Esau became the killer of Jacob, the victim. See how Jacob fulfilled the secret desire of his mother not to marry a daughter of Heth, the Ham seed of Caanan, but rather one of her own flesh; while Esau went and married of the Ishmael seed, the seed of Abraham according to the flesh rather than according to promise.

See how the Lord was waiting to reveal Himself to Jacob when He got him into condition and position at Bethel, all alone with nothing behind but regrets, a heart full of anguish and a future full of darkness. Bob, we are poor, weak blind fools at best, but this is what has given us any chance we ever could have and how little we have recognized His goodness in bringing about the conditions which make us the sufferers and loosers, that we may be the heirs and get the blessing. Be shielded from getting a Hittite wife or profession and be guided to the marrying of the true seed of Abram. Abel Spiritual experience and profession sealed by the fruit of His Spirit and the suffering for it. It's very sweet to see the contrast at the end. Jacob at Peniel – all alone as at Bethel. All alone is one of the sure marks of God's favor, no matter how its brought about or when> The angel came and wrested with Jacob all night is compelling him to claim the blessing of becoming a prince with God and Man. The compelling mercy of God is seen in the touching him in the hollow of his thigh so that he got a short leg and walked with a halt as the sun rose.

Esau had all his own and much of Jacob's. On the other side of the brook Jabbok, which means pouring out, he sought a change of heart carefully with bitter tears, but he got nothing. He got the gifts, the fruit of Jacob's life, but there wrestled with him from Heaven. He got the desire of his heart and missed the desire of God's heart. How much Jacob had to suffer in revealing the heart of Esau and having the desire of his own heart revealed and how wonderfully gracious and almighty was God in all that is manifested.

Such is the case very much with ourselves. What we have suffered in revealing the hearts of these who were our twin brothers make us very dear to the heart of the God for such has been the lot of all who ever were those to whom He revealed Himself and crowned as Princes. Our lame leg is the proof of God's crowning mercy and the measure of our own unbelief in ourselves. What our brothers have benefited by our 30 years of labour and suffering is only giving them the desire of their hearts. Their hard hearts and hard works only reveals the reason why God could not bless Esau no matter how carefully he tried to get the Blessing which was so painfully forced on Jacob.

We can see how little any of the actors could intelligently apprehend God's wondrous working to fulfill His purpose in perfecting the two seeds We in our day and generation are pretty much in the same condition. It's only as we look back we can see it all and the proof of God's blessing to us is that we can get some light and comfort from seeing it wrought out in so many in the Book.

I'm inclined to think that many in Heaven almost envy our privilege these days in playing the same part they in their days played, but with infinite possibilities in our life which they never had. I look on us today as the most favored and privileged of all His Sons in that we are to be entrusted with the Everlasting Gospel to prepare for the meek to come back and inherit the earth with Him for 1000 years. No wonder we have had to go through both fire and mill for such glorious possibility. Jacob's lame leg will be one of the honour marks we will see him wear when he comes with Jesus.

Best love to wife and self and a Joyous Xmas and we feel sure the happiest New Year you ever had.

Wm. Irvine.

I remember Eustaflon well and what a wonder to see him where he is. I would expect he might get some real victory in the attitude he takes both to you and me for that is the test for all who will have any chance. W.I.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter to A. J. Dunbar
December 4, 1922

Box 553 P.O.
Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Dunbars:

Pages 1 - 3 not typed.

Now I must thank you for your kind consideration in the matter of the suit. I bought a pair of Soldier’s pants today for winter wear for 2 ½ dollars—good strong warm and comfortable English Tommy Atkins war pants. I got a leather vest from London with sleeves in it for writing in at night. The pair I gave to the dog was the last suit I got in Los Angeles in 1917. I bought a second hand suit in Pasadena, when W. Edwards came down and they were good value, and I wear them yet. Willie sent me 2 suits, one of which I have worn a good deal. But I’m rich and increased in suits if they are all a little big for me. But I value the hearts that give me more than ever; in these days when the shadow of the cross has to be endured and the shame of it all has to be despised. That came to Him ere He could sit down at the right hand.

I can only remember having 5 new suits for 21 years after I got saved. All the others were 2nd hand, which I bought that I might be able to help others who were anxious to go preach. During the war I bought 4 new suits: one at $10 (2 at $15) all in Los Angeles, and one at $10 in Glasgow.

For 30 years I'm sure my clothing has not been over $10 per year--for all I had in clothing. This meant a good deal to others for they were willing to do with (without?) what I did in the days when the best and hardest and most effective work was done for and by God. And my living was just as economical.

In my first mission I lived on 5/- per week in N. of Ireland. In Co. Clare, amongst the Catholic's I lived one week on porridge twice a day to keep the Christian lady we stayed with from stealing our food. I found she hated porridge after she stole the half of our goods from Saturday to Monday. For 2 months I lived on eggs, which I took for some of the books sold--when eggs were 5 cents per dozen. At that time American Bacon could be bought in Ireland for 7 cents per pound. So I got plenty of cheap potatoes, eggs and bacon. Bread was 5 cents for 2 pound loaf.

From the very first I got to see that the poverty of Jesus was something more than matter of choice--and it was a power in producing the best qualities in The Testimony. I always enjoyed the good cheer of the Saints, though I know something of the other side also. If I never had much to give the workers in the Early Days, I always gave them all I had, when I might well have been much more comfortable than I ever was found.

My Bicycle was often all the car fare I had, when the best days’ work was being done. And how many wet tired skins I had is now a source of real Joy to me with all the other pioneer experiences in making it possible for any honest heart to go and do likewise.

To teach the Saints to show hospitality to the workers and each other was a big job, for it was not by preaching it to them. And to teach the Saints and workers not to abuse this was as hard as was the other side. I did not do it--there was no other.

When most of the present old workers came on the scene, it was to reap what I had sowed and they have been reaping ever since and many of them produced very little while reaping very much. Even the getting of workers to give all they had was no small difficulty--which I had done without anyone to encourage me, and in spite of all the difficulties of finding a way out for myself.

I can look back with Joy on it all and say that God and I were the only shapers of the whole Way, Truth and Life which so many are so fond to claim as their own.

The work in U.S.A. and Canada was all built on the very little friendships which I had made. Same in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. And the few know all it meant in putting it into the hearts of workers and turning them up to the music making.

It was all God and I from first to last--and all we have seen since has only been like most others going because they were provided for, and a soft imitation of the Early Days.

I was as the main spring and the binder together, which was the real strength of The Testimony. And when I had finished the House, it was to find myself out and with God; and the House in possession of Thieves and Robbers--as it was in Jesus day.

Never mind I’ll overturn the money changers tables and drive out the Thieves and Robbers, more real and thorough than they ever dream, and I'll not make a whip of small cords--but do it with an Iron Rod.

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Mrs. Adams
December 30, 1922
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Mrs. Adams:

Thanks for your letters, which I received all right, as the Yankees say.  Glad you are feeling better and that your house is besieged.  The picture, though small, is very good and does remind me of Rothesay Bay.  Your house is well situated for those who want a dip.  I would know Dr. Adams by his stand, though I only saw him once by memory.  It has the North of Ireland stand—easy.  I am glad to see that he has little interest in the religious performances, which go on.  Babylon covers all who are rejectors of the anointed of God in any age, and has the marks of scandal and iniquity.  “Come, let us be a people, and have a name, and build a tower that will reach unto Heaven,” are the marks of iniquity.  In “Let US” make a name,” introduces the scandal mark. For the desire for a name and place always brings confusion, such as we see God visit on them.  Think on the scandal amongst the nations of the world towards one another today. They call it “political,” but it’s nothing more than the attempt to be over the other.  It’s just the expression of the pride and iniquity, which made the Angels devils.  The putting one up, and another down.  Brick and slime of the whole world today is proof of the ungodly and human manner of the whole man-made brick.  Slime is found in all oil bearing countries.  It’s what is left after the gasoline is evaporated from crude oil.  The much talk about the oil field of Mesopotamia brings this to the front.  Prospectors always know when they get bitumen, or slime, on the surface.  It’s proof of oil under the surface.

 When you think, that Glasgow, alone, has nearly the population of New Zealand, you can see Rothesay has advantage over your corner.  I would think that you will have some advantage on the seashore in the drought, if fish are to be had; and you would have water for evaporation, if no other way.  But I hope your provision will be by the power of God, as was the Children of Israel in the desert.  For the whole world will be as the desert of Sinai.

The 5 hour earthquake and tidal waves on 1400 miles of Chile Coast on Armistice morning was very cheering to those who have eyes to see.  The Russia report of the victims of the past year’s famine was given in the same paper.  8½ million by famine and pestilence: 1 by famine 3 by pestilence.  And along with that, the Red Cross report for the past year:  15 floods, 9 tornadoes, 8 explosions, 5 fires and drought in many places.  All “fearful sights.”  So, we have the “signs” Jesus said there would be.  “Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine, pestilence, and fearful sights in DIVERS places, showing they are not world-wide, as they will be in Tribulation.

The finish of “Peace and Safety,” at Lausanne warrants us in expecting Tribulation soon.  And we don’t see any hope of them finishing without producing the World War.  The War lasted 4 years, 3½ months.  Peace and Safety is about the same.  By end of February, and we will see it then, I think.  It’s reasonable to suppose that the Tribulation, being 2 periods of 3½ years each, as in Revelation.  We may expect Peace and Safety to last as long as the war, but there was no way of seeing that, so far as I can see.

He surely has laughed at all their king and ruler attempts to “break the bands and cast away the cords” wherewith He and His Anointed have bound the peoples on the Earth, as per Psalms 2, and has brought them into derision before the world.  The English Church and, indeed, the world Protestant and other churches.  And perhaps all religious people the world over, have been making a resolve and prayer to God for world peace.  Everyone pledging themselves against all that will lead to war and further good will amongst men.  What an answer they are going to get!  How He must delight to make them manifest in the Godlessness.

I suppose you have noticed the parables in Matthew 20, 21, 22 and 25.  Like the Kingdom, that old favorite Gospel subject, the King making supper for the Marriage of His son, is very much to the point these days.  He sent forth His Servants to call them that were bidden (or the called) but they would not come.  He sent others to tell the feast is all ready, they made light of it.  “One went to his farm; another, merchandise, but went their ways” reveals iniquity.  The Remnant treated spitefully, His Servants

And slew them.  When the King heard, He was WROTH, and sent forth His armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burnt up their city.  THIS IS THE TRIBULATION.  “Go ye, therefore, into the highways,” is the Everlasting Gospel, which comes with the Tribulation.  You see how closely the Servants and the King are associated, and how much it means for those who treat them lightly or spitefully; for both come under the same wrath.

You see the importance of accepting their guidance, even at the feast.  For the man who dared sit down without the Wedding Garment was spotted--speechless, and bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness.  This shows we will have power to curse, as well as bless, in the judgment Tribulation period of the Everlasting Gospel.  For every idle word that men shall speak in the judgment, they shall give account.  To say that what is of God, by His Servants, is of the Devil will mean death.  “One shall be taken; the other left at work or in sleep.”  So whether people treat us lightly, or spitefully, LET THEM TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES.  It’s ours to invite; it’s theirs to refuse.  It’s ours to say, “All things are NOW ready.”  You notice it’s them who were bidden, or had been called and professed, who are to come BUT THEY WOULD NOT COME.  He sent forth OTHER SERVANTS.  Is this the kind of service we are doing now, in saying all things are ready?  THEY MAKE LIGHT OF IT; WENT THEIR WAYS.  One to his farm, another to his merchandise, as a good many surely have done.  In place of preparing for the marriage, they go the other way.

Then comes the wrath and the Everlasting Gospel, which will bring guests, and also, bind hand and foot and cast out, where weeping and gnashing of teeth takes place.  FOR MANY ARE CALLED, BUT FEW CHOSEN.  In Luke 14:24, none of these men, which were bidden, will taste of my supper.  The land, oxen, wife revealed where their hearts were and what they valued most; but in Luke, there was no mistreating of the Servants.  The Kingdom today is truly like a king making a marriage supper for His Son.  Our familiarity with these parables in old days makes it more difficult to see how much more real they are in these days, and will become more real as the days go by.  Matthew’s Gospel is called “The Gospel of the Kingdom.”

I think Mr. Adams is much more hopeful than most of our Testimony friends, and you will find many others like him—outside.  Highways, etc. suggests those who are outside the religious camp.  “Bring in hither, the poor, maimed, halt and blind” of Luke shows us that those who are most needy and least valued, are those who will be most likely to COME when the Gospel of the Kingdom, in power, is ours to take to them.  Jesus said He was anointed to preach to the poor, broken-hearted prisoners--blind, bruised, and bound.  And our anointing will be of the same nature, when it comes.  I believe the Spirit is only witnessing these days to JUDGMENT and the feast being ready, or the time of the Marriage at hand. When wrath comes, so will our anointing.

When Jesus ceased to intercede in Heaven, and took His Throne as Judge in 1914, the Spirit ceased to intercede in the Gospel, and began to witness to the world of coming judgments, and enable those who watch and see.  And Providence began to work for the separating of the Tares and Wheat on the lines of Matthew 13:34-43--gathering out the scandals and workers of iniquity.  The sealing of the 144,000 in their foreheads, is the preparing of the other Servants who shall go forth to comb the highways, while wrath is visiting those who are not in the highways, but in the bundles, which are ready for the furnace.  I expect to see the Church buildings used as morgues for the dead.  And the bell will be tolling every day telling of their judgment with weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth in place of prayers, preaching, and praise.  When God’s wrath burns hot, it does a good thorough job, and happy are they who are sick and tired to death of all the hypocrisy, which has reached its zenith in the religious world.

The first 3½ years is the Falling Away Period.  The Second 3½ years is the Antichrist Period.  Revelation 14:1-7 shows us the Everlasting Gospel.  Revelation 14:8-end, the fall of Babylon.

Revelation 17 shows us the thorough work wrought.  Verse 16 shows the 10 Horns and what they gave the Whore that sitteth on the many waters: MAKE HER DESOLATE AND NAKED, EAT HER FLESH AND BURN HER WITH FIRE.  What A contrast to Revelation 21, to what we see in the whole world today.  All that now is passed away, and a New Heaven and a New Earth.  No more wicked rule of any sort on the Earth, where God, and the Devil, reigning as the god of this world by man’s choice, has been these 6,000 years.

To think that all this will happen in seven short years, is enough to give us patience to wait—happy and contented.  God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.  There shall be no more death; neither sorrow, nor crying, for the FORMER THINGS are passed away.  Not WILL, but ARE.  It’s by faith (the proof of our fellowship with God) not the blind, groping in the Book, which all Pharisees indulge in to their destruction, that we can enjoy these things now.

Best love and wishes for you and yours,

Yours truly in Him,

William Irvine

P. S. Tears, death, sorrow, crying and pain has been the lot of all those who shall reign with Him, because of the present wicked reign on the Earth.  Hurrah!

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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?
Galatians 4:16

"Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance."
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